Sunday, January 31, 2021

I Suffered for All (D&C 18-19) QUESTIONS

READ D&C 18:1-6

What is the difference between the “Church” and the “Gospel”?

What do these verses teach us about receiving revelation?



Saving the Soul


READ D&C 18:10-16

What is a “soul”?

What is a spirit?

What is a body?

Why is the worth of souls great in the sight of God?

Why does verse 11 say, “suffered death in the flesh” rather than “suffered death”?

Does “suffered the pain of all men” mean “suffered all the pain of each person” or does it mean “suffered the pains that all men suffer”?

What are we redeemed from?

What does it mean to “come unto Him?”

How does Christ’s resurrection make our redemption possible?

If we understand the word soul to mean “body and spirit,” what does verse 13 teach us about repentance?

How do we cry repentance to others?

Why is the saving of even one soul the cause of such great joy and celebration?


READ D&C 18:17-25

What does Christ lay out in these verses?



Who Is Christ?


READ D&C 19:1

Who is Jesus Christ to us?

What does it mean that Christ is the Beginning?

What does it mean that Christ is the End?

How does this change our understanding of the Doctrine of Christ principle to “endure to the end”?


READ D&C 19:2-3

What does it mean “whose I am, even the Father” and what is implied by the fact that Christ referred to His apostles as “those thou hast given me” in John 17:11?

What does verse two teach us about being a Son of God?

What does it mean to “subdue all things unto myself”?


READ D&C 19:4-12

Why must we all repent or suffer; who is imposing the suffering?

Why does repentance free us from suffering?

What does it mean that Christ is Endless?

What is endless or eternal punishment?

What is endless torment?

Why does God use the phrases “endless torment” or “endless punishment” or “eternal damnation” if they don’t mean what we think they mean?

What is eternal damnation if it does not last forever?

Why is Christ telling us these “mysteries of godliness”?



Christ’s Suffering for Us


READ D&C 19:13-15

What are the commandments?

What is the relationship between repentance and the commandments?

Why will God smite us by the rod of His mouth if we do not repent and what does this mean?

What is the nature of the exquisite sufferings we will bear?

Can you read this statement and believe there is no hell; and what does this teach us about kingdoms of glory?


READ D&C 19:16-19

Why does verse 16 begin with “I, God”?

What is the promise the Lord extends?

What will happen if the promise isn’t accepted?

What does it mean to “suffer even as I”? 

What does an “infinite and eternal” sacrifice cost a god?

What did the Lord suffer?


READ 2 Nephi 9:7 and Alma 34:10, 13-14

What are the implications of this?  If you had sinned less, would He have suffered less?  If you had less emotional stress, would He have suffered less?

Why did He suffer it?

What does it mean that Christ is our advocate with the Father?

What does “nevertheless” in verse 19 refer to?

What does “glory be to the Father” mean?

What does it mean that the Atonement was Christ’s “preparations” unto mankind?

What were the preparations He finished in Gethsemane and Golgotha?

Why does Christ say He has “finished” the will of the Father (v2) but that the atonement was only His “preparations” unto the Children of men (v19)?

If the atonement, crucifixion and resurrection constitute Christ’s “preparations” unto the children of men, what must He do to complete His ministry?

What must we do to take advantage of His preparations unto us (the atonement)?


READ D&C 19:20

“Wherefore” means something like “because of this;” because of what?

What must we do to avoid this suffering ourselves?

What does the new covenant require?

What will happen if we do not repent?

What will happen if we do not confess our sins?

What does the suffering Christ endured have to do with withdrawing the Holy Spirit?

What three qualifications did the Savior need to have to accomplish the atonement and attain to the resurrection of the dead?


READ Isaiah 63:3, 2 Corinthians 5:21, Luke 22:43-44, John 16:32, Mormon 9:3-5, Alma 36:12-15, Alma 7:11-13

Why did He suffer so in the Garden of Gethsemane?



What to Teach


READ D&C 19:21-22, 29-31, 37, 39-41

Why must “milk” be taught before “meat”?

What is “milk”?

What is “meat”?

Why are we to teach the Doctrine of Christ and not “tenets”?

Why should we preach with a loud, rejoicing voice to all and what is implied?

What is a blind guide?

How do we prevent being blind guides ourselves?

How do we ensure we are not following a blind guide?


READ D&C 19:23

What does the Savior mean when he commands us to “learn of me”?

What does it mean to have peace in Christ?


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