Sunday, December 6, 2020

Perfect in Christ (Moroni 8, 10) QUESTIONS

Principles of the Atonement: Why Child Baptism Is an Abomination


READ Moroni 8:8, 22-24

Who did the Lord come into this world to call to repentance?

Are little children subject to the Fall or “curse” of Adam?

If Christ is the prototype of the saved being as stated in Lectures on Faith 7:9, what must we all be like to be saved?

Why are little children “whole” if they are still subject to the effects of the fall?

So, what does this imply about “sin”?


READ Moroni 8:9-20

Why is it “solemn mockery before God” to baptize little children?

What is the relationship between capability to commit sin and accountability for one’s actions?

What do we learn about God’s character and attributes from this discourse?

What implications can we draw from these attributes?

What does it mean that little children are alive in Christ from the foundation of the world?

What is the relationship between perfect love and fear?

Why is a person who believes in the need for child baptism without faith, hope or charity?


READ Moroni 8:25-26

What is the relationship between baptism and repentance?

What is the relationship between fulfilling the commandments and remission of sins?

How does love endure with us during this mortal life?



Knowing All Things


READ Moroni 10:1-2

Why does Moroni address these verses (Moroni 10:3-23) to the Lamanites and not to the Gentiles?


READ Moroni 10:3

Why is God’s mercy to mankind from Adam to the present, as articulated in the Book of Mormon, the topic on which Moroni wishes his readers to ponder?


READ Moroni 10:4-5

Why does God require that we pray about the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon, rather than providing more compelling proof?

Why does knowing the truth of the Book of Mormon require a sincere heart, real intent and faith in Christ?

Does the Holy Ghost really have the capacity to reveal all truth?

How do we get the Holy Ghost and the truth it reveals?

What are the differences between how God offers wisdom and truth vs. how the world seeks to gain it and dispense it?


READ Moroni 10:6-7

Is there a difference between “knowing that Christ is, by the power of the Holy Ghost” and “knowing that Christ is, with a surety?”



The Power and Gifts of God


READ Moroni 10:8

Why would the Lamanites in the latter days deny the gifts of God to the degree that Moroni must warn them against it?

What does it mean that “there are different ways that these gifts are administered” but it is the “same God who worketh all in all”?

What is God’s purpose in giving us spiritual gifts?


READ Moroni 10:9-16

What is the difference between the “word of wisdom” and the “word of knowledge”?

What might be “different ways” the spiritual gifts listed might be “administered”?


READ Moroni 10:17-18

What does “they come unto every man severally, according as he will” mean?


READ Moroni 10:19, 24-25

Why might the power of God and spiritual gifts be done away?

What kinds of unbelief might lead people to lose the gifts and power of God?

What is Moroni’s definition of “good”?


READ Moroni 10:27-29, 34

Whose words are Moroni speaking?

How will the Judgement Bar of God be “pleasing”?



Perfect in Christ


READ Moroni 10:20-23

Why must there also be hope if there is faith?

Why can’t you be saved in the Kingdom of God without faith, hope and charity?

If you have not received a hope or promise of your salvation from Christ during your mortal life, why are you in despair?

Why have you not received a hope?

What things are expedient unto Christ?

How can we do what is expedient for us to do, at Christ’s command, and part the veil to receive a hope or promise from Him of our salvation?

What good news is implied by this?


READ Moroni 10:30-33

What does it mean to come unto Christ and by so doing lay hold on every good gift?

What is the evil gift or unclean thing?

Why does Moroni raise the alarm to the House of Israel to “awake and arise”?

Why does Moroni use the metaphor of the clothing and tents?

What is the connection between coming unto Christ and being perfected in Him, and putting on the beautiful garments?

Why does Moroni say “be perfected in Him” rather than “perfect yourself in Him”?

What does it mean to be “perfect in Christ”?

What does it mean to be “perfected in Christ”?

What is the end result of sanctification?

Christ is our example in all things, how did He become perfect?

What must we do to be perfected in Christ?



Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...