Sunday, November 8, 2020

Mahonri, Jared’s Brother (Ether 1-6) QUESTIONS

 Mahonri Moriancumer, the brother of Jared


READ Ether 1:1-4

What was the original “Book of Ether” (the complete record found by Limhi’s people, not Moroni’s summary) to the Nephites?


READ Ether 1:33-37

What does it mean to “cry” unto the Lord instead of “pray” to the Lord?

Why does Jared ask Mahonri to pray for or intercede on behalf of their family instead of doing it himself?


READ Ether 1:38-43

What is Jared asking Mahonri to ask the Lord for?

How would you describe the answer Mahonri gets from the Lord?

What is Mahonri’s “appointment” with the Lord all about and why does He make Mahonri wait to “meet him”?

What promise did Jared’s people receive?


READ Ether 2:4-7

What does it mean that the Lord visited Mahonri in a “cloud”?

How did the Lord direct the Jaredites on their journey in the wilderness?

How is the journey of the Jaredites to the Promised Land symbolic of coming unto Christ?


READ Ether 2:8-10

What is the blessing and curse associated with America?

What does it mean that the Lord made this promise “in His wrath”?


READ Ether 2:11-12

Why is Moroni stopping the narrative here to address us, the Gentiles?


READ Ether 2:13-15

Did Mahonri neglect to pray for four years, and if so, why?



An Interior Lighting Problem


READ Ether 2:16-18

What were the barges like and why?


READ Ether 2:19-21

What can we learn from Mahonri’s experience building the barges?

What are the three problems that Mahonri identifies with the Lord’s design?

Why would He design the barges with legitimate flaws?

How is the problem of air in the barges resolved and why?


READ Ether 2:22-25 and Ether 6:5-10

How is the steering and power problems resolved?

Why are the barges “tight as a dish” and what lessons can we learn from this?

Could the Lord have brought them across the sea in another way that didn’t require air-tight submarines and if so, why didn’t He?

How did the Lord react to Mahonri’s plea for light?


READ Ether 3:1

How large were the stones?


READ Ether 3:2-5

Why would Mahonri beg for the Lord not to be angry with him for his weakness?

What is the relationship between being holy and dwelling in the heavens?

What does it mean that “we are unworthy... because of the fall our natures have become evil continually”?

How is Mahonri suggesting we view ourselves in relation to God?

Mahonri has never seen Christ; how does he know that He would even have a finger to touch a stone?

What is Mahonri asking the Lord to do?

What does “great power, which looks small unto the understanding of man” mean?


READ Ether 3:6

Mahonri is holding the stones in his hands, how does he know that the Lord stretched forth His hand to touch the stones one by one?

Where is the veil placed?



Rending the Veil and the Redemption of a Man


READ Ether 3:7-8

Does the Lord have a sense of humor?

Why is Mahonri struck with fear?


READ Ether 3:9-13

What caused Mahonri to see Christ’s finger?

What two questions does the Lord ask Mahonri before showing Himself unto him and what are their significance?

What is the difference between believing what God has told us and what He will tell us?

What is the difference between being brought back into Christ’s presence and Christ “showing Himself” unto you?

When the Lord showed Himself to Mahonri, what did He show him?

What knowledge redeems us?

How does coming back into the presence of God show we are redeemed from the Fall?

What is the difference between what Mahonri was inquiring about and what the Lord wanted to tell him?


READ Ether 3:14-20

How could the premortal, “spirit” Christ touch a mortal, physical object and what does it mean that the body of the Lord was “like unto flesh and blood”?

What does it mean that Christ showed Himself “after the manner and in the likeness of the same body even as He showed Himself unto the Nephites”?

What does it mean that Christ was “prepared” from the foundation of the world to redeem His people and become the Father through the work of the Son?

What does it mean that “all mankind shall have life” but for those who believe on His name, they shall have that life “eternally”?

When it says that the “Lord ministered” to someone, what do we now know this means?

What knowledge did Mahonri gain from this experience?

To receive eternal life, must the Lord minister to you in the flesh or not?

How can a religion have the power to bring one into God’s presence after death but lack the power to do so in the flesh?

What are the differences between a religion that can save and one that can’t?

Was it the knowledge or the faith that Mahonri had that could not prevent him from parting the veil?



Mahonri’s Sealed Vision of All


READ Ether 3:21-24 and Ether 4:1-3

Why does the Lord command prophets to write an account of their experiences and visions but then seal up the record so that no one can read it at the time?


READ Ether 3:25-28 and Ether 4:4-5

What vision did Mahonri receive?

Why would the Lord have promised Mahonri previously that if he believed in Him, that He could and would show Mahonri all things?


READ Ether 4:6-7

Have the things that Mahonri saw “gone forth” yet and what is implied?

What promise is the Lord extending here to all latter-day Gentiles and what are the terms?


READ Ether 4:8-12

Why does Moroni give this warning of a cursing upon those who “contend” against the “word of God” and “deny these things”, seeming to refer to the vision of Mahonri?

What cursing will the Lord execute against these “contending and denying” Gentiles?

What point is the Lord making when He says that those who will not believe His words, will not believe His disciples’ words?

What does God promise those who believe His words?

How can we know that something comes from God?

Is “truth” an “accurate portrayal of the facts” or what “persuades people to do good”?

What does it mean that Christ is “the Truth”?

What is the difference between believing Christ’s words and believing Christ?

How is Christ the light and life of the world?

Is Christ our Father or Elder Brother?


READ Ether 4:13-15

What are the “greater things” that those who come to Christ will be shown?

Why do we not receive these “greater things”?

What is unbelief (believing things that are false) caused by?

How do you repent of unbelief, so that you can receive the “greater things”?

What is the purpose of the veil and what are the implications regarding how Moroni is telling us it is removed?


READ Ether 4:16-17

When will the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon, which is Moroni’s summarization of Mahonri’s vision of the history of the world, be given to us and what the relationship between it and the Book of Revelation?

What is the “sign” of the translation of the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon – i.e. the Book of Mahonri?


READ Ether 4:18-19

Who is speaking here?

How can we remain faithful to the Lord’s name?


READ Ether 5:1-4

There have been several sets of “three witnesses” in or around the Book of Mormon; who are they?


READ Ether 6:12, 16-17

Who was taught from on high and why did this happen?


READ Ether 6:22-27

Why was the prospect of becoming the king so repugnant to all but one of Mahonri or Jared’s sons?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...