Secret Combinations Among the Jaredites
Ether 8:7-13
What does
Jared’s lust for the kingdom and glory of the world or Akish’s lust for the
daughter of Jared make them vulnerable to?
secret plans is the daughter of Akish referencing?
What are
the similarities and differences between Akish’s oath with his people and the
question the Lord asked Mahonri before revealing Himself to him (see Ether
How do
you gain power in this world?
What does
it mean that the Lord “worketh not in secret combinations”?
What does
it mean to “suffer” secret combinations to “get above you” and what happens if
they do?
happens to any nation which upholds secret combinations and why?
What is
Satan’s endgame in enabling people to gain power through these secret
Why do we
have this record of the Jaredites?
Ether 10:9-13
How did
Morianton gain power?
What does
it mean that Morianton did “do justice unto the people but not unto himself”
and what is implied?
Ether 11:20-22
Why did the
secret society and wicked abominations cause the people to reject the words of
the prophets regarding their coming destruction unless they all repented?
Lecture on Faith and Hope
Ether 12:1-5
What is
implied by the fact that Ether “came forth” to prophesy?
What does
Ether mean that “all things are fulfilled by faith”?
What is
and is not hope, as used in the scriptures?
How does
“hope” come from faith and how does that help us understand how hope is
different from faith?
What does
it mean that those who believe in God might “with surety hope for a better
How is
hope an “anchor to the souls of men” making them sure and steadfast?
How does
hope cause us to be “abounding in good works” and “glorify God”?
Ether 12:6
If faith
is in things which are hoped for and not seen, what would you call things that
are seen?
Why is
there no witness until after the trial of your faith?
Ether 12:7
What is
implied by the fact that Christ did not show Himself unto the Nephites until
they had faith in Him?
Ether 12:8-10
What is
the “heavenly gift” and how can you become a “partaker” in it?
Ether 12:11-12
If God
has all power, why can man’s lack of faith prohibit God from doing miracles
among them?
Ether 12:13-18
What do
we learn from both Nephi II and Ammon’s acts of faith?
Ether 12:19-21
What is
the “eye of faith”?
How does
one “see” with the “eye of faith”?
What is
the role of an ordinance in helping us to “see with the eye of faith”?
What does
it mean that Mahonri could no longer be kept within the veil?
Ether 12:22-26
How have
the Gentiles mocked the Book of Mormon?
Why is
Moroni fearful that the Gentiles will mock the Book of Mormon?
How and
why did the Lord make Moroni mighty in speaking but Mahonri mighty in writing?
Why do
fools mock and why will they mourn?
Why will
the meek take no advantage of Moroni’s actual mistakes?
Why is
Christ’s grace sufficient for the meek?
Ether 12:27-28
Why does
the Lord say “weakness” and not “weaknesses”?
What is
the difference between weakness and affliction?
Why does
the Lord give weakness or “burdens”?
What is
implied by the fact that Christ must show unto us our weakness?
How does
Christ make weak things become strong unto us?
What is
the connection between weakness on the one hand and faith, hope, and charity on
the other?
Ether 12:29-34
Why is it
a comfort to know that God works with men according to their faith?
What had
the Lord promised Moroni with regards to his afterlife?
What is
the connection between “hope” and the afterlife?
prepares an afterlife for mankind?
Why does
Christ say “mansions” and what is implied?
Why do
God’s commandments focus us on receiving a Celestial residence when “few there
be that find it” (see also 3 Nephi 14:14)?
What does
it mean that mankind “must hope, or he cannot receive”?
What is
What is
the connection between faith, hope and charity?
Ether 12:35-37
What do
the Gentiles need?
What does
it mean to “prove” the Gentiles?
How will
the Lord take away the Gentiles’ talent and give it to another?
How do we
know that Moroni has charity?
What does
grace have to do with charity?
Why will
the Lord not give Gentiles His grace, even with Moroni interceding on our
Must we
see our weakness to be made strong and what does this mean?
What does
“sitting down” in the mansions of the Father imply?
Ether 12:38-41
Why are
Moroni’s garments not spotted with our blood?
Moroni’s interaction with Christ; what can we learn about the Lord from this
So the
Lord will not grant us, the Gentiles, grace; what advice does Moroni have for
What does
it mean to “seek this Jesus”?
Why are
we to “seek this Jesus?
Why must
we “seek this Jesus” now in mortality?
How do we
“seek this Jesus”?
Destruction of the Jaredites
Ether 13:1-14
visions did Ether see and what prophesies did he make?
What is Moroni
forbidden to talk about?
How did
the Jaredites react to Ether’s prophesy and what is different about his words
than most other prophets we’ve read about?
Ether 13:20-22
restoring lost saving knowledge was Ether’s first mission from the Lord, what
was his second mission?
Ether 14:17-20
What did
the fear of “dear old Shiz” do to the people?
Ether 14:24
motivated Shiz’s relentless attacks on Coriantumr?
Ether 15:1-7
Coriantumr repent?
Ether 15:13-19, 22,26
How would
you describe the state of the hearts of the Jaredites?
READ Ether
Why did
the Lord command Ether to leave the cave and go to the site of the battle?
What can
be learned from Ether’s last statement?
Why did
Moroni place his farewell address to us (the Gentiles) right before his account
of Ether’s rejection by the Jaredites, and their ultimate destruction?