Sunday, November 1, 2020

Farewell Warnings (Mormon 7-9) QUESTIONS

 Mormon’s Farewell Message to the Remnant of Israel


READ Mormon 7:1

Who is the “remnant of this people”?


READ Mormon 7:2

Why must the Remnant know that they are of the House of Israel?


READ Mormon 7:3, 5, 8, 10

How does Moroni develop the doctrine of repentance over these four verses?


READ Mormon 7:7

What does it mean to be found guiltless before Christ?


READ Mormon 7:9

What is the relationship between the Book of Mormon and the Bible?



Moroni’s Postscript to the Book of Mormon


READ Mormon 8:1-5

What is Moroni doing?


READ Mormon 8:7

What does it mean that the destruction of the Nephites was great and marvelous?


READ Mormon 8:10-11

What does the fact that the Three Nephites ministered to Mormon and Moroni teach us?


READ Mormon 8:12, 17

Are there imperfections in the book and if so, how did this happen?


READ Mormon 8:14-16

How did Joseph Smith “bring to light” the Book of Mormon?



Moroni Calls the Latter-day Gentiles to Repentance


READ Mormon 8:18-20

What is Moroni’s warning to the latter-day reader of the Book of Mormon?


READ Mormon 8:21-25

Moroni has seen the latter days, in which the Book of Mormon will come forth; who is he talking about who will try to stop the Lord from honoring His covenant with the Remnant of Jacob?


READ Mormon 8:26-32

What “day” is Moroni speaking about here – the day of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon from out of the earth (1830) or the day of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon to awaken the Remnant (post Twentieth Century)?

What is Moroni seeing when he describes the “day” in which the Book of Mormon will “come forth”?

Since few churches would make this transaction explicit, how might a church couch Moroni’s observation that they offer forgiveness of sins for money?


READ Mormon 8:33

What “holy word of God” has been transfigured, why and how?


READ Mormon 8:34-41

Moroni has seen us in vision in great detail; how does he describe us?

Which “Holy Church of God” that has been polluted by leaders seeking gain at the expense of the poor is being referred to here?

How is Christ’s name taken upon someone?

What does it mean that the “Holy Church of God” is ashamed to take upon itself the name of Christ?

Why was the “Holy Church of God” polluted and turned into a money-making machine, and the leaders and members became ashamed to take upon themselves the name of Christ?

What is Moroni’s message to us – those claiming to be the “holy Church of God”?



Moroni’s Warning to “Christian Unbelievers”


READ Mormon 9:1-2

What is the “day of your visitation” and why isn’t it stated as the “day of His visitation”?


READ Mormon 9:3-5

What will we see clearly in the afterlife?

What is it like to enter the presence of God?

Will the majority of people who lived on the earth prefer heaven or hell?

What happens when the unprepared are finally able to flee from God’s presence?

Is God punishing the wicked in these verses?

What will we learn about God and about ourselves when we stand in His presence?


READ Mormon 9:6

How, then, does a person abide or stand in His presence?

What is Moroni’s plea to us?


READ Mormon 9:7-10

Who are these “unbelievers” Moroni is addressing?

What does no “shadow of changing” mean and what does this imply God is like?

So what does this imply about the changes in doctrine and practice that we have seen in the Holy Church of God over time (from the present back to ancient Israel)?

How can the Lord say that He could continue to reveal additional truth and still be an unchangeable God?


READ Mormon 9:11-14

What “miracles” is Moroni ascribing to God?

How is all mankind redeemed?

What are the steps of the plan of salvation that Moroni teaches?


READ Mormon 9:15-18

What is a miracle?

How does God perform His miracles or works?


READ Mormon 9:19-21

If God is an unchangeable being, can miracles cease?

If God is an unchangeable being, why have miracles ceased?

Among what men and women does God continue to perform miracles?

What is Moroni's logical argument to those who deny miracles, spiritual gifts and revelation?


READ Mormon 9:22-25

What is the relationship between belief and proof?


READ Mormon 9:26-29

Do the “despisers” of the works (miracles) of Christ wonder now?

What will change?

What does it mean to “be believing and come unto the Lord with all your heart and work out your own salvation with fear and trembling before Him”?

What is the urgency behind Moroni’s plea to “be wise in the days of your probation”?

What is implied in the phrase “strip yourself of all uncleanness,” as if it is some article of clothing?

Can the Lord prevent us from falling prey to temptation?

What does it mean to be baptized or partake of the sacrament unworthily, as no one is perfect?


READ Mormon 9:35

Why do the Book of Mormon writers have to write the book to “rid themselves” of the “blood” of those who have dwindled in unbelief?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...