Sunday, November 22, 2020

A Few Things of Worth (Moroni 1-6) QUESTIONS

READ Moroni 1:1, 4

Why did Moroni intend to have ended the Book of Mormon with his abridgement of Ether and Mahonri’s vision?


READ Moroni 1:2-3

How does Moroni know the Lamanites are putting to death all those who will not deny Christ?

How would you describe Moroni’s statement that he will not deny the Christ, even if captured and compelled to do so or be killed?



The Gift of the Holy Ghost


READ Moroni 2:1-3

What is “mighty” prayer?

What is implied by the fact that on as many people as they laid their hands on, fell the Holy Ghost?

Why is mighty prayer required before giving the Gift of the Holy Ghost?

Ordination to Offices Within the Church


READ Moroni 3:1-3

What is the difference between callings/offices in the church vs in the priesthood?

What is a priesthood?


READ Moroni 3:4

How does the Church ordain people to offices and callings?

How does one obtain a priesthood?

The Sacrament


READ Moroni 4:1-2

What is the sacrament?

Why do the priests and church members kneel down together at the blessing of the sacrament?


READ Moroni 4:3

What is another word we could substitute for “witness”?

What three things do we witness?

What does it mean to take upon ourselves the name of Christ?

How can we keep His commandments?

What word makes the covenant doable?

Isn’t being “willing” to do these things a “soft grace” cop-out?

How can you tell if you are sincere in keeping this covenant?

For what three reasons does the priest ask the Father to bless and sanctify the bread?

What is “Christ’s Spirit”?

What does it mean to have Christ’s Spirit always with us?


READ Moroni 5:1-2

What does it mean to “always remember” our Lord and how can we do it?

What are the differences between the prayer on the bread and the wine and what accounts for the differences?





READ Moroni 6:1-3

What “fruit” shows that one is worthy of baptism?


READ Moroni 6:4

Is it possible to be baptized but not “wrought upon by the Holy Ghost”?

What is implied that only those who were wrought upon by the Holy Ghost were numbered among the Church of Christ?

What different implications exist regarding the activities of the “Church” if the church was an earthly organization vs. a heavenly one?



The Church of Christ On Earth


READ Moroni 6:5-6, 9

How were the Nephites’ church meetings different from ours today?


READ Moroni 6:7-8

Why did the Nephites deal with iniquity in such a Draconian way?

Why did the Nephites offer forgiveness “as oft” as people repented?



Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...