Sunday, October 18, 2020

Zion in America (3 Nephi 27-4 Nephi) QUESTIONS

Christ’s Discourse on the Gospel and His Church


READ 3 Nephi 27:1-2

What were the circumstances in which Christ visited the disciples?

Why did Christ come to earth and show Himself unto them to answer their prayer?

Why does Christ ask them what they want; doesn’t He already know?


READ 3 Nephi 27:3-10

What is the name of Christ’s Church?

What if a Church is named after a man, a group of men, or a principle of the gospel?

Does it matter what the Church is called if it does not preach Christ’s doctrines in truth?

Does it matter what the Church is called if it does preach Christ’s doctrines in truth?

What is the purpose of a Church if people are saved individually by coming unto Christ anyway?

Why was the name of the Church changed from the Church of Christ to the Church of the Latter-day Saints (1834) and later to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (1838)?


READ 3 Nephi 27:11-12

Which is worse, for a church to be built upon the works of men or the works of the devil?

Why would a church of men or especially a church of the devil ever have “joy in their works”, even for a season?


Anciently, the word “gospel” meant “to preach the good news” instead of meaning the doctrinal content of Christian preaching or even the accounts of Christ’s ministry.  That means that verse 13 could be paraphrased as follows: “Behold, I have preached my glad tidings to you, and these are the glad tidings I have preached to you…”

READ 3 Nephi 27:13-18

What is the first element of the “good news”?

What is the reason Christ gives for His mission?

What parallels are there between Christ being lifted up on the cross and mankind being lifted up by the Father to be judged?

How does this relate to Christ’s admonition to us to “take up our cross” and follow Him?

What does the phrase “that I might draw all men unto me” imply?

What are those who are baptized in Christ’s name filled with?

If being “cast into the fire” from which one “cannot return” means experiencing “God’s punishment” not “endless punishment” (see D&C 19), what is verse 17 saying?


READ 3 Nephi 27:19-21

Who enters into the rest of the Lord?

How does one “wash their garments” in Christ’s blood?

Are we really to do the works we’ve “seen” Christ do and what are those works?


READ 3 Nephi 27:22

How will we be “lifted up” at the “last day” if we do all these things?


READ 3 Nephi 27:23-27

If we are to be judged against the books we write, why write them at all – that way we won’t be condemned, right?

What kind of judges are the 12 Nephite disciples?


READ 3 Nephi 27:30-31, 33

What causes Christ, the Father and the hosts of heaven to have joy?

What is the “night wherein no man can work”?

Why does Christ use the analogy of “night” when in fact what is implied is coming back into the presence of God, which is very light?



Christ Grants the Disciples’ Desires


READ 3 Nephi 27:28-29 and 3 Nephi 28:1

Who gets to ask the Father and Christ for anything they wish and receive it?


READ 3 Nephi 28:2-3

Why in the world would these nine disciples (and all but one of the Jewish apostles – see D&C 7) waste their “wish” on what they will receive anyway?


READ 3 Nephi 28:4-8

What did the three Nephite disciples desire of Christ?

Why were they hesitant to ask this?


READ 3 Nephi 28:9, 23

What is their objective – why do they want to stay on earth?

What is the downside of this desire?


READ 3 Nephi 28:13-17 and 3 Nephi 28:36-40

What does it mean that they couldn’t tell if they were in the body or not, and what is implied?

What is the state of the bodies of the Three Nephites?


READ 3 Nephi 28:18-22

When were they cast into prison or deep pits or fiery furnaces?


READ 3 Nephi 28:25-32

Among whom will the Three Nephites minister?


READ 3 Nephi 28:33-35

Why would it be better for those who will not hearken to the words of Jesus (or those He has chosen to minister to) that they had never been born?

Why do we not have all the scriptures that give an account of all the works of Christ?

Who are those that Christ has chosen and sent among us to teach His words?

What will these three Nephites (and John) receive that the other disciples and apostles will not?

What are the implications of their choices to stay on earth and minister?



Mormon’s Warning to the Latter-Day Gentiles


READ 3 Nephi 29:2-3

Mormon is referencing Christ’s prophesy about the Gentiles rejecting the fullness and the gospel going again to the Remnant of Israel; what is Mormon’s testimony and how does he know?


READ 3 Nephi 29:4-7

What does it mean to “spurn” at the “doings” of the Lord?

Why does denying the power of Christ enable those who do it to get gain?

Why are those who deny Christ’s power to get gain like or similar to the son of perdition?


READ 3 Nephi 29:9

What does it mean to “turn the right hand of the Lord unto the left” with regards to His covenant with Israel?


READ 3 Nephi 30:1-2

Again, who are the Gentiles?

How adamant is Mormon in what he is telling us in this verse?

Where does this list of latter-day Gentile Church sins come from?

So can we actually accept the fact that our Church and its members have these “wicked ways” that we must repent of?

What is Mormon’s message of hope to us?

What unbelief must we awake from?



The Establishment of Zion Among the Nephites


READ 4 Nephi 1:1

Did the people come unto the Church to be baptized or unto the apostles to be baptized and what is the difference?


READ 4 Nephi 1:2

Is there a progression to conversion, lack of contention, and dealing justly?

How do most churches attempt to come to an unanimity of belief or end contention about doctrine?

Why do all Churches that are not Zion have contentions and disputations among them?

What does it mean that they dealt “justly” with one another?


READ 4 Nephi 1:3

What does it mean to have “all things in common”?

Where can we find a successful model of people having “all things in common” today?

What analogy does a family provide for a “Zion” community?

How does the “Golden Rule” relate to having all things in common?

Why is equality among the people – i.e. no rich or poor – required for Zion?

What is the “heavenly gift”?


READ 4 Nephi 1:4-5

How can we tell that these disciples were partakers of the heavenly gift?

Why was it Christ’s will that the sick, injured and afflicted among the Nephites be healed but today the Lord seems to have a different agenda?


READ 4 Nephi 1:10-12

What is the main priority of the Nephites in this Zion community?

What does “meeting together oft” mean and what are they doing?


READ 4 Nephi 1:13-18

How many times does Mormon say there was “no contention” and why does he repeat it over time?

Why was Zion effectively established among the Nephites but it failed among the Saints in Jackson County?

Why does Mormon tell us Gentiles in 3 Nephi 30:2 to repent of the exact things he’s just told us the Nephites have rid themselves of?

What constitutes Zion?

Do people come together to establish Zion or does the Lord prepare “Zion-people” who then gather together?

How does the Lord prepare a “Zion people”?

Will the latter-day Zion follow the Enoch Model or the Nephite Model?


READ 4 Nephi 1:19

What does this verse teach us about the Three Nephites?



The Fall of Zion


READ 4 Nephi 1:20

What began the fall of Zion?


READ 4 Nephi 1:23

Why had the people become exceedingly rich?


READ 4 Nephi 1:24-25

Why did “exceeding” wealth lead to pride, especially because of the circumstances under which the people had gained the money?

Is it not possible to be exceedingly rich and also righteous enough to live in Christ’s presence in mortality – how would this work?

How many years did it take from having pride in riches to separating into tribes and what can we learn from this?


READ 4 Nephi 1:26-27

Why are churches the first thing the Nephites build up after they have separated their goods?

At this point in their departure from Zion, how would the Nephites’ righteousness stack up against ours today?

How can a Church profess to KNOW Christ, not just know about Christ, and yet deny the more parts of His gospel?

What are the “more parts” of Christ’s gospel?


READ 4 Nephi 1:28

If narrow is the gate that leads to Christ and few there are that find it, what can be said of a Church with massive growth numbers and lots of prosperity?


READ 4 Nephi 1:29-34

Why did the priests try to kill the Three Nephites?

How could people choose to harden their hearts in the face of miracles like these?


READ 4 Nephi 1:38-39, 43-45 and 3 Nephi 27:32

What is the difference between “dwindling in unbelief” and “willfully rebelling” against the Gospel of Christ?

Ultimately, why did the Nephite Zion fail?



Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...