Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Fullness of Iniquity (3 Nephi 1-7) QUESTIONS

READ 3 Nephi 1:1-3 and 3 Nephi 2:9
What happened to Nephi II?

Christmas in the Americas

READ 3 Nephi 1:4-9
What was the reaction of many of the believers to the scorn of the people over the fact that the time of Samuel’s prophecy was past?
Why did they begin to doubt?
Why might the unbelievers have picked the day they did?
How could the unbelievers have legally conducted a mass genocide of the believers?

READ 3 Nephi 1:10-14
How did Nephi III pray?
Who is Nephi III praying for?
How did the Lord answer Nephi III and what is implied?
What does Christ mean that He will “do the will, both of the Father and of the Son – of the Father because of me, and of the Son because of my flesh”?

READ 3 Nephi 1:15-21
Who saw the sign of Christ’s birth?
READ 3 Nephi 1:22-23
How did the people react to the sign?

The Revenge of the Robbers

READ 3 Nephi 2:1-3
Why did those who were so recently converted forget the signs of Christ’s birth so quickly?

READ 3 Nephi 1:27 and 3 Nephi 2:11-12
Now that the Gadiantons have been cast out of government after “Sign-gate” (their failed believer genocide attempt), what tactics have they fallen back on?

READ 3 Nephi 2:18-19
What is the main difference between the Nephites and the Robbers?

READ 3 Nephi 3:2, 6-7, 9-10
Why does Giddianhi the Robber want the Nephites to join with the Gadiantons in their secret society, as it would no longer be secret?
How can Giddianhi say that the “works” of the secret society are “good”?
What is Giddianhi asking for?

READ 3 Nephi 3:12-15
Will gathering all the people into one central place for protection save the Nephites from the Robbers?

READ 3 Nephi 3:20-21
Are pre-emptive strikes sanctioned by God in desperate circumstances like these?

READ 3 Nephi 3:25-26 and 3 Nephi 4:4
Why did the Nephites repent?
As they decided not to do pre-emptive strikes, what strategy did the Nephites adopt?

READ 3 Nephi 4:5-13
Why does Mormon use the term “great and terrible” and how is that phrase used in scripture?
Why does General Gidgiddoni only pursue the Robbers to the borders of the Nephites’ land?
If the Robbers had really made ancient covenants with Satan, why did he not help them beat the Nephites?

READ 3 Nephi 4:30-33 and 3 Nephi 5:1-3
Why do people rush to praise and thank God right after they’ve been delivered from some terrible situation, vowing to change their ways and worship God from that time forth and what typically happens?

Mormon’s Interlude: A New Hope

READ 3 Nephi 5:13
What does it mean to be a disciple?
Who has Mormon been called to preach to?
What does it mean to have everlasting life?

READ 3 Nephi 5:14
What is a “holy one” and who are the holy ones to whom he refers?

READ 3 Nephi 5:20
How can knowledge bring salvation; isn’t something more needed?

READ 3 Nephi 5:21-26
How is Mormon using the word “surely”?
Is the knowledge referred to here the same as that mentioned at the end of verse 20?
What covenant has the Lord made with the house of Jacob?
Why does the House of Jacob have to know about that covenant?
In this case does the word “then” mean that they will know their Redeemer after they know the covenant the Lord has made with Israel, or does it mean that they will know their Redeemer in knowing that covenant?

The Gadiantons Strike Back

READ 3 Nephi 6:5, 10-13
Why do societies divide themselves into ranks by wealth and education?

READ 3 Nephi 6:14-16
What broke up and destroyed the Church?

READ 3 Nephi 6:17-18
Why does Mormon say the people had been “delivered up for the space of a long time to be carried about by the temptations of the devil” if they had only repented eight years ago (see 3 Nephi 5:1-7)?
What is the difference between “sinning ignorantly” and “willfully rebelling” against God?

READ 3 Nephi 6:20, 23, 27-30
Who were these men “inspired from heaven” sent to testify of the wickedness of the people and the redemption through Christ?
What reward did these “inspired men” or “prophets” receive for their following of the Lord’s commandment to them and what are we to learn?
Who entered into the devil’s ancient covenant?
Why did the leaders of the Church enter this covenant?

READ 3 Nephi 7:1-7, 11-12
Did the Gadianton chief priests and judges accomplish their plan?
Why was the secret combination not able to unite the nation under their control?

READ 3 Nephi 7:8
Why did things deteriorate so quickly?

READ 3 Nephi 7:9-10
Why did the secret combination “call” or name their king “Jacob”?
Why are the great majority of the Nephites swept off?
What lessons can we glean for the latter days?

The Return of the Holy Order

READ 3 Nephi 7:15-20
What differentiates Nephi III from all the Church leaders and members who have turned evil?
Why could the wicked people not disbelieve Nephi III’s words?
How did the people (many of them Church members) react to Nephi III and the few who preached with him?

READ 3 Nephi 7:21-26
Why did Nephi III and others risk their lives by continuing to preach?
Why did Nephi III baptize people, as many were likely already members of the Church


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...