Sunday, September 13, 2020

The Coming of Christ (3 Nephi 8-11) QUESTIONS

Destruction of the Wicked at Christ’s Death

READ 3 Nephi 8:3-4
Why would the people look with “great earnestness” for the sign of Christ’s death?

READ 3 Nephi 8:5-19
When was Christ’s death?
What natural disasters caused the destruction of so many Nephite cities and what is the implication?
Why was there so much destruction amongst the Nephites and Lamanites and not among those in Israel?

The Voice in the Darkness

READ 3 Nephi 8:20-23
What was the darkness caused by?

READ 3 Nephi 8:24-25
Is this godly sorrow or worldly regret?

READ 3 Nephi 9:1-2
What is strange about the voice?
What does “wo, wo, wo” mean?
Does the devil laugh because the Nephites are slain or because they are fallen, and what does that mean?

READ 3 Nephi 9:9, 11
Why was wickedness of Jacobugath above that of all the earth, even Jerusalem where the leaders of the Church conspired to kill the Son of God?

READ 3 Nephi 9:13-14
Who were spared this destruction?
What will happen to them if they do not repent now?
What do they have to be healed of?
Why does the Lord use a “travel” metaphor to describe accepting Him?
Who will Christ receive and give Eternal Life to and what is implied?

READ 3 Nephi 9:15-18
From what beginning was Christ “with” the Father?
What does it mean that Christ was “with the Father from the beginning”; weren't we all with the Father?
What does it mean that Christ is “in the Father, and the Father in” Him?
Who are His “own” that He came unto and how had they become His own?
Why did His “own” not receive Him when He came unto them?
Who received Him if it was not His “own”?
What is a “Son of God”; aren’t we all already sons and daughters of God?
For those who have received Him, how has Christ “given” them “to become” the sons of God?
How many “Sons of God” does Christ intend to make?
How does Christ make one a “Son of God”?
How is Christ the Alpha and the Omega?

READ 3 Nephi 9:19-20
What sacrifice does Christ no longer require of His people and why?
What is the symbolism of the sacrifice of the shedding of blood?
What sacrifice does Christ require of His people and why?
What is a broken heart and a contrite spirit?
What is the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost?
Why were the Lamanites not able to recognize this event when it happened to them?

READ 3 Nephi 9:21-22
If redemption means bringing the soul back into the presence of God (see Ether 3:13) so that they are no longer spiritually dead, what must God do first?
What enables you to receive the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost?

READ 3 Nephi 10:4-7
Why does the hen gather her chickens under her wings?
What grammatical tenses does Christ use in His hen analogy and what is implied?
What will happen to Israel if they choose not to come unto Christ?

READ 3 Nephi 10:9-10
On what day did the darkness disperse from the face of the land?
Why did their mourning for the catastrophic amount of death end so suddenly on the morning of the third day?

Coming Unto Christ

READ 3 Nephi 10:18
When did Christ visit the Nephites?

READ 3 Nephi 11:1-2
Who were this multitude of Nephites?
Why did they gather to the temple at Bountiful almost a year after Christ’s resurrection?

READ 3 Nephi 11:3-6
Did the people hear the voice the first time God spoke?
Did the voice come out of heaven or was it “as if” it came out of heaven, and if it didn’t come out of heaven, where did it come from?
What does it mean that the voice “pierced” them to the center?
Why did they not understand the voice the first two times it spoke to them and what is the implication?

READ 3 Nephi 11:7
Who is speaking here and what is He doing?

READ 3 Nephi 11:8
Who were the Nephites expecting to see next?
Why did they not recognize Christ even after being introduced by God Himself?

READ 3 Nephi 11:9-11
How do they recognize that this unremarkable person is Jesus Christ?
How does Christ define Himself?
Why does Christ say “I have suffered the will of the Father” instead of “I have done the will of the Father”?

READ 3 Nephi 11:12
What do the people do when they finally recognize who He is?

READ 3 Nephi 11:13-14
Now that they understand who He is, what does Christ direct the people to do next and what is implied?

READ 3 Nephi 11:15-17
How would you describe the Ceremony of Recognition and Witnessing that the Lord commands them to perform?
What is another name for this Ceremony of Recognition and Witnessing?
Why do they come up one by one?
Why do they feel the wound in His side first?
What happens when they step back and feel the prints in His hands and wrists?
Why is feeling the prints of the nails in His feet the natural last step of the Ceremony?
What does it mean to know of a surety that Jesus is the Christ?
Why does the resurrected Christ have “death wounds” in His perfect body?
Why are those who receive this witness asked to bear record of it; isn’t this experience too sacred to share?
Earlier, the Nephites had fallen to the earth in stunned, awed silence when Christ introduced Himself but now they all cry out together in praise; is this behavior irreverent in the presence of the Lord?

The Doctrine of Christ

READ 3 Nephi 11:18-20
What is the Lord doing when He calls you by name?
Why did Nephi III have to be called; wasn’t he already the presiding authority?
What are the others doing when Nephi III is asked to come forth?
What does Nephi III, who was asked to arise and come forth (see John 11:43), choose to do next?
What is the Lord’s next command to Nephi III and why is it so difficult?

READ 3 Nephi 11:21
Why doesn’t the Lord lay His hands on Nephi III’s head when giving him this power to baptize?
Nephi III clearly had held or manifested God’s power (see 3 Nephi 7:17-19), so why give Him “power” again?

READ 3 Nephi 11:22-26
Do Nephi III and these others hold the “keys” to baptism among the Nephites?
Why did the Lord lay out in detail the way Nephi III is to conduct the ordinance of baptism?
Can Nephi III, who holds the keys to baptism, change the way the ordinance is done for any reason whatsoever?
What is the Lord’s precondition for baptism?
What happens if this precondition is not met?
What is the symbolism inherent in baptism by immersion?

READ 3 Nephi 11:27
How are the Father, Son and Holy Ghost one?

READ 3 Nephi 11:28-30
What do contentions about doctrine imply?
What is Christ telling the Nephites with regard to doctrine and ordinances?
Where do disputations lead?
What happens when contention begins?

READ 3 Nephi 11:31-39
Whose doctrine is the Doctrine of Christ?
What is the Doctrine of Christ?
How important is the ordinance of baptism?
What roles do the Father, Son and Holy Spirit have with regards to our salvation?
How is our relationship with Christ different in mortality than our relationship with the Father?
When does the Father bear record of the Son?
For those who have yet to experience this testimony in the flesh, do we have a “record” of the Father’s testimony of Christ and Christ’s testimony of the Father?
Is this testimony enough?
What is the role of the Holy Spirit?
If our “Ghost” becomes “Holy” through the ministrations of the Holy Spirit, the Son and the Father, what does it mean that the Holy Ghost beareth record of the Father and Son?
What does becoming “childlike” have to do with repentance?
What does knowing, accepting and following the Doctrine of Christ protect you from?

READ 3 Nephi 11:40-41
What does it mean to declare more than Christ’s doctrine?
What does it mean to declare less than the Doctrine of Christ?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...