Sunday, September 27, 2020

Holy Ordinances (3 Nephi 17-19) QUESTIONS

Faith to be Taught

READ 3 Nephi 17:1-3
How does Christ know the Nephites do not understand His words?
Why can’t they understand all of the words Christ is commanded to speak to them?
What does Christ teach the Nephites about how to learn the Gospel?

READ 3 Nephi 17:5-10
Christ is ready to leave, so what compels Him to change His mind and stay?
What do the Nephites have sufficient faith to do and what does this teach us about having faith to be taught?

READ 3 Nephi 17:14
What wickedness specifically is Christ so troubled about?

READ 3 Nephi 17:11-13
Who does Christ call forward and why?
What does Christ do with the children?

READ 3 Nephi 17:15-17, 23-24
What does Christ say and do in His prayer?

Christ Institutes the Sacrament Among the Nephites

READ 3 Nephi 18:1-2
What is the sacrament for?
What is the symbolism of the bread?
What is the symbolism of the wine?

READ 3 Nephi 18:3-7
Why is the sacrament sacred enough to be celebrated by the Lord with people who are in His very presence?
What does it mean that the people ate and were filled?
Why are we to remember the body of Christ?

READ 3 Nephi 18:8-11
Why do the disciples partake first and then give to the multitude?
What is the thing the people have done for which the Lord blesses them, and what is the blessing?

READ 3 Nephi 18:12-14
How does one build upon the rock of Christ?
Why would we not build upon the rock of Christ?

3 Nephi 18:15-20
What does the devil tempt us to do?
Who are Christ’s Church?
What does Christ tell us His role is?
What does it mean that Satan desires to have us, that he may “sift us as wheat”?
What does it mean to “watch and pray” lest we enter into temptation?
What is prayer for?
If prayer is to obtain God’s will not petition Him for your own, why does Christ say that you will receive “whatsoever ye shall ask” for?

3 Nephi 18:21-23
What does this passage teach us about how we should be doing missionary work?

3 Nephi 18:24-25
What is “our” light that we are to let shine unto the world?
Why are we commanded to come unto Christ?
Who is commanded to come unto Christ?
What happens if you fail to testify in plainness of what you have experienced with the Lord?

3 Nephi 18:26-27
If Christ is our example in all things, what do these verses teach us?

3 Nephi 18:28-32
Why does someone “eat and drink damnation to their soul” if they partake of the sacrament unworthily?
What is the disciple’s duty with regards to those who partake of the sacrament unworthily?
What is the disciple’s duty with regards to the unrepentant man bent on destroying Christ’s people?

3 Nephi 18:36-37 and Moroni 2:1-3
What is the difference between the power to give people the Holy Ghost and the power to bless people to receive the Holy Ghost?

Day Two: Initiatory and Endowment

READ 3 Nephi 19:1-3
What responsibility did those who had witnessed Christ’s resurrection feel toward those who had not?
What happened to those who did not heed the invitation?

READ 3 Nephi 19:8
What did the disciples who had heard Christ’s sermon the day before teach to the multitude?

READ 3 Nephi 19:11-14
Had Nephi III been baptized previously?
Had Nephi III received the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost previously?
So, what is going on here and why are the twelve disciples Jesus had chosen the only ones participating?
What immediately follows this washing rite?

READ 3 Nephi 19:15-18
How does the Lord organize the disciples in their prayer?

READ 3 Nephi 19:25, 30
What is happening to the disciples?

READ 3 Nephi 19:19-24, 26-32
How many times does Christ leave the disciples to pray to God, Himself?
Why is Christ leaving the praying disciples to pray?

READ 3 Nephi 19:33-36
What happened next?
What things are so great that none are greater?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...