Sunday, August 9, 2020

The Stripling Warriors (Alma 53-63) QUESTIONS

Their Mothers Knew It

READ Alma 53:10-15
What additional sacrifice, 15 years after they buried their swords at the time of their conversion, did the Lord require at the hands of the Lamanite-Ammonites and what can we learn from it?

READ Alma 53:16-22
What covenant did the stripling warriors make with the Nephites?
What advantages and disadvantages did the stripling warriors have?

READ Alma 56:47-48
Why were their mothers called out as teaching their sons such faith?
How had these mothers gained such faith?
What happens when you offer your all in sacrifice to God?
How did the mothers know that God would deliver their sons when He had not delivered their husbands?

READ Alma 56:55-56 and Alma 57:19-27
What was the result of the faith these mothers had in the covenant they had received from God through Lehi?

The Covenant of the Vassal King & the Emperor

READ Alma 56:10, 44-46
Why did the stripling warriors call Helaman “father” and why did he call them his “sons”?
How might one ascend or progress in this “father-son” spiritual hierarchy?
What is implied about the Law that must be abided by as one ascends through these kingdoms?
Why might the stripling warriors have selected Helaman to be their leader and “father”?
What is the difference between a “son of a prophet” and a “son of God”?

READ Alma 58:39-41
What did the tutelage of Helaman through the trials of the war enable the stripling warriors to become?
Who is the “Emperor” who is bound to protect us if we keep our covenant relationship with our “vassal” king?

Lessons in Leadership

READ Alma 60:1-10
Is Captain Moroni’s issue with Pahoran legitimate?

READ Alma 60:14, 17-21
What are the three possible explanations Moroni can think of for Pahoran’s failure to perform his duty?
What feedback or coaching might you give Moroni regarding his letter?

READ Alma 60:23-24, 30
What has Captain Moroni just done to Pahoran?

READ Alma 60:33-34
Given the actual reasons for Pahoran’s neglect of his duties (see Alma 61:3-5), did the Lord really tell Moroni that Pahoran was a traitor who needed to be destroyed?
What does this teach us about the nature of revelation?

READ Alma 61:2-5, 8
How would you interpret God’s revelation to Captain Moroni now?

READ Alma 60:36 and Alma 61:9, 19-21
What can we learn from Pahoran’s reaction to Moroni’s letter?
What can we learn from Moroni’s letter?

READ Alma 61:10-13
What principles of Christian warfare does Pahoran remind Captain Moroni of?

Teancum: A Case Study in the Christian Principles of War

Who was Teancum?

READ Alma 62:30-34
Describe the current state of the war?

READ Alma 62: 35-37
What prompted Teancum’s attack on Ammoron?
Is Teancum’s attack justified by the Christian principles of war?

READ Alma 62:38
Given the situation described in the preceding verses, what were the likely outcomes of the battle if Ammoron had lived through the night?
What was gained and lost by Teancum’s stratagem?

Because of the War…

READ Alma 62:39-41
If all the Nephites had been significantly affected by this long war, why did some become hardened and some become softened?

READ Alma 62:50
Why does it say we should remember “how great things the Lord has done” instead of “what great things the Lord has done”?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...