Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Great Lamanite War (Alma 42-52) QUESTIONS

Why Were the War Chapters Included?

Why did Mormon spend 1/10th of the Book of Mormon describing the wars?
There are many great wars in the Book of Mormon that are barely mentioned at all (see Alma 28:2-3; Mormon 2:27); why is the Lamanite War described in so much detail?
What are the elements of the Lamanite War that Mormon felt we needed to understand?

A Christian’s Justification for War

READ Alma 43:4-11
What are the motivations for war from the Lamanites or attacker's perspective?
What are the motivations for war from the Nephites or defender's perspective?

READ Alma 50:21
What caused the war in the first place?

READ Alma 43:45-47 and Alma 48:14
D&C 98:16 says we are to renounce war and proclaim peace, so are Christians justified in going to war?

READ Alma 48:14
Are Christians justified in retaliating or exacting revenge – an “eye for an eye” – on those who perpetrate war or violence against them?
Are Christians justified in importuning the Lord to avenge the blood of the saints and prophets?

READ Alma 43:27-30
Are Christians justified in using “stratagem” if their intention is only to defend themselves and their liberty; and what is allowed?

READ Alma 43:52-54
Are Christians justified in using torture, secret combinations, and terror tactics to defend themselves and their liberty?

READ Alma 44:1-2, 6-7, 10, 19-20
Are Christians justified in conducting pre-emptive strikes or preventative war?
Are Christians justified in exterminating a possible threat if those individuals promise to retreat and not declare war again?
If Christians are not justified in using these traditional war strategies for “righteous” purposes, how can they defend themselves against enemies that will use these methods?
Who does God employ to punish and destroy the wicked?
What does this imply about the word “defend”?

The Curse and Blessing Upon America

READ Alma 45:16 and Alma 48:25
There is a promise and a curse laid upon America, what is it?

READ Alma 46:18, 20-22
Captain Moroni knew of the promise/curse that is laid on America, so what covenant did he inspire his people to make?
So what does that imply about the safety of the Nephites?

READ Alma 46:7-16
So what was the Title of Liberty meant to do?

The War Chapters as a Symbol of the War with Satan

The war chapters are symbolic of the spiritual war that Satan is waging with us every day (read 1 Nephi 14:12-14).

READ Alma 48:7-8, 14-16
How does Captain Moroni prepare his people for war?

READ Alma 49:3-8 and Alma 50:20
What do the Lamanites’ tactics teach us about Satan's tactics with us?
How do we thwart his attacks?

READ Alma 49:12-14
What happens next?

READ Alma 50:22-23
Why was this time of war the "happiest" in Nephite history since Lehi left Jerusalem? (50:23)


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