The Formation of the Gadianton Robbers
READ Helaman 1:2-12
What societal circumstances within the Nephite society gave rise
to the Gadianton Robbers?
What event was the catalyst for the secret combination?
Since Paanchi was already condemned to death, why did the secret
combination send Kishkumen to assassinate the Chief Judge, Pahoran II?
Defining the Elements of a Secret Combination
READ Helaman 6:26-30
Why did the gang swear or covenant with each other by their
“everlasting Maker” instead of by their lives?
Why compare the Gadianton Robbers to Cain?
READ Moses 5:31,
What is the
"Mahan Principle"?
What are the elements
of a secret combination/organization?
READ Helaman 6:22-25
Why is secrecy such a
key tactic for an organization like this?
How Did the
Gadianton Robbers Rise to and Retain Power?
READ Helaman 2:2-11
What has now changed
with regards to the goals of the secret combination?
What was Gadianton's
craft and why was it also important that he was expert in "many
How does priestcraft
(see 2 Nephi 26:29) differ from Gadianton robbery and how is it the same?
How did the government
find out about the secret organization?
What is implied by the fact that no one suspected that Kishkumen
and Gadianton were behind the murder of Pahoran?
What strategies do “Gadiantons” in all ages use to gain and retain
READ Helaman 3:23-24
How and why did
Gadianton establish his secret combination in the more settled parts of the
Why did the
government not know or suspect the Gadianton’s had a foothold in the wealthier
areas of the land?
Twenty-five years
after the Gadiantons had first been formed, they had become established within
both the Nephite and Lamanite civilizations.
However, because of an event we will discuss in Helaman 5, many of the
Lamanites had embraced the gospel.
READ Helaman 6:18-21
and Helaman 6:37-40
Describe the
difference between how the Nephites reacted to finding Gadiantons among them
vs. how the Lamanites responded?
READ Helaman 2:13-14
What eventually destroyed
the Nephite civilization, both before the time of Christ's visit and during the
life of Mormon?
A Gadianton
Society Nearing the Fullness of Iniquity
In the Book of
Mormon, we've read of the promise/curse of America, that the people will be
swept off when they are "ripe" or "full" in their iniquity…
READ Helaman 4:11-13,
The Nephites began to
suffer military losses including in the land of Zarahemla; why did this happen?
READ Helaman 1:18
What enables the
Lamanites to successfully attack the heart of the Nephite civilization?
What is the
relationship between secret combinations and the fullness of iniquity?
Where are the
Nephites on the "Fullness of Iniquity Maturity Scale"?
READ Helaman 6:32-33
Why can a society
move so quickly toward a fullness of iniquity?
Living Righteously
in a Society Heading Toward Destruction
READ Helaman 3:19-20,
27-30, 33-35
How do you live
righteously in a society heading toward the fullness of iniquity?
READ Helaman 6:34-36
How did the Lamanites turn their society around while the Nephites
headed toward destruction?