Sunday, August 30, 2020

Samuel the Lamanite (Helaman 13-16) QUESTIONS

Samuel Prophesies of the Destruction of the Nephites

READ Helaman 13:1-4 and Helaman 16:1-5
Why did the Lord send an “outsider” to preach His word when Nephi II was right there ministering to the Nephites?

READ Helaman 13:5, 9-10
What does Samuel mean by the “sword of justice”?
Why is Samuel prophesying of a destruction 400 years away?

READ Helaman 13:6-7
What was it about the angel’s message that had Samuel excited to share it with the Nephites?

READ Helaman 13:8
Why does the Lord say He will withdraw from them because of the hardness of their hearts, rather than because of their wickedness?
What does it mean that the Lord will take away His word from the Nephites?

READ Helaman 13:11-14
Why is the Lord sparing Zarahemla?
When will Zarahemla’s fate be sealed?
Why might they finally cast out the righteous?

READ Helaman 13:17-23
What does it mean to have your heart set upon riches?
How are riches a "false god?"
Why are they cursed “for the peoples’ sake”?
What does it mean to “hide one’s treasures up unto the Lord”?
What does it mean to “hide one’s treasures up in the earth”?
If riches seem to lead so inevitably to pride and the worship of them (and then to wickedness), why does the Lord prosper His people at all?
Among the eight sins we talked about two sessions ago that lead to a fullness of iniquity and destruction, what are the primary sins that the Nephites are committing?

READ Helaman 13:24-29
What are the Nephites doing to true prophets who declare the word of the Lord which they claim they heard directly from Him?
What are the Nephites doing to those who tell them that all is well?

READ Helaman 13:30-33
Why are they repenting in the days of their poverty?

READ Helaman 13:36-38
Are they really surrounded by demons and dark angels and what does that mean?
Why will the day of their probation be past at that point?
Are they damned for what they obtained and kept to themselves or for what they tried to but failed to obtain?
Why can’t you find happiness in doing iniquity?
What are the similarities between making one’s calling and election sure and making one’s destruction sure?

Samuel Prophesies of Christ’s Mortal Ministry

READ Helaman 14:2-4, 28
Why did the Nephites get a sign that all the people could see, while in Israel the sign of the star could only be read by those few who were looking for it and knew how to interpret it?
How did the Nephites know that the sign was given and what does this imply about the sign?

READ Helaman 14:5-6
How did the “Christmas star” just arise at this time and then disappear?
What were the “many” other “signs and wonders” seen in the heavens and why were they given?

READ Helaman 14:7-8
Why will people be so amazed that they will literally fall to the earth when they see the sign of Christ’s birth occur?
Why would anyone NOT believe in Christ after witnessing such an obvious and objective sign coming true?

READ Helaman 14:9-10
Are the Nephites racist?
Why did the Lord choose a Lamanite to give the Nephites this vital message if they would inherently doubt him because he was a Lamanite?

READ Helaman 14:11-13
What do the Nephites need to believe: Samuel’s prophecy of Nephite destruction, or his prophesy of the signs of Christ’s coming, or his testimony of Christ’s ability to redeem them if they will repent and come unto Him?

READ Helaman 14:14-19
Why did Christ have to die and what is the implication?
What happens to those who are cut off, at any time, from the presence of the Lord?
Who will suffer the second spiritual death, being cut off again from God’s presence and His righteousness?

READ Helaman 14:20-27
What is the symbolism of the sign of Christ’s death?

READ Helaman 14:29-31 and Helaman 15:1-3
Why are the signs given?
How is all iniquity done “unto themselves” when people’s poor choices and sins hurt others, too?

Lessons from the Lamanite Conversion

READ Helaman 15:4-10
What does it mean that the Lord has hated someone when He is supposed to be a god of love?
Samuel says “a” change of heart; should it be “the” change of heart?
Why is Samuel still talking about the Ammonites burying of their swords, which occurred 80 years prior?

READ Helaman 15:11-16
What does it imply that Zenos, Samuel and “many other prophets” have witnessed of the restoration of the Lamanites to the truth in the Last Days?

READ Helaman 15:17
Why will the Lord utterly destroy those that have been offered the Fullness of the Gospel but have rejected it?

Lessons from the Nephite Reaction to Samuel

READ Helaman 16:6-8
Where else in the Book of Mormon do we read about a prophet coming out of nowhere to preach repentance or destruction to the people?

READ Helaman 16:13-23
What are the two reactions to the great signs, wonders and words of the prophets beginning to be fulfilled?
Moroni talks about the Gentiles’ destruction and assimilation of the few repentant souls into Israel in the last days; why did the Lord want Mormon to include the prophesy of Samuel the Lamanite in a book meant for our day?
Following this analogy further, who is Samuel called to preach to?
How might we identify a modern day Samuel – coming to preach to us from outside the official and recognized Church hierarchy?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...