Nephi II & Lehi II
READ Helaman 5:10-11
Helaman tells his
sons Nephi II and Lehi II that Christ comes to redeem people "from"
their sins not "in" their sins - what does this mean?
Why does the Father send angels to declare the conditions of repentance
to people instead of just using missionaries or Church leaders?
What does it mean that repentance “bringeth unto the power of the
READ Helaman 5:12
Why is Christ the only sure foundation upon which you can build?
What are you building on the rock of Christ?
Why is Christ described as a rock and Satan as a storm and what
are we to learn from this analogy?
READ Helaman 5:16-19
What is unprecedented about Nephi II and Lehi II’s preaching
Why did Nephi II and Lehi II have such success preaching?
The Gate: The Lamanite Baptism of Fire
READ Helaman 5:20-25
What are Nephi II and Lehi II encircled by?
Why were they not burned?
Would the fire have burned the Lamanites if they had tried to grab
Nephi II and Lehi II?
Why does the fire appear as a pillar?
Why were the Lamanites struck dumb with amazement?
READ Helaman 5:26-28
Why are the Lamanites overshadowed with a cloud of darkness?
What is the implication of God “showing” the Lamanites these
READ Helaman 5:29-34
What is the message of the voice from heaven?
Why is Christ’s voice like a mild whisper and not a booming shout?
Why did the darkness not disperse because of the power of the
What does this event in the prison remind you of?
READ Helaman 5:35-41
Why does knowledge save a person or why is a person saved no
faster than they can get knowledge? (see TPJS 400:2; TPJS 246:1)
What does it mean to cry until you have faith and what would such
a cry require?
What is the relationship between receiving faith and the cloud of
READ Helaman 5:42-45
What can we learn from the fact that the darkness did not just
disperse but they then opened their eyes to see that they were now encircled by
Why were they each encircled by a pillar of fire?
What is happening to the Lamanites?
READ Helaman 5:46-51
Why has God the Father blessed them with peace and what does this
How did they receive faith in Christ and what does this teach us?
Did these 300 Lamanites receive a mighty change?
How could this have happened without the Lamanites first being
baptized by water – did they receive the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost
first and if so, then how?
Why did the heavens open and angels came down to minister?
Is it possible for a person to receive the Holy Ghost but for it
not to tarry with them and why would this happen?
What is the Gift of the Holy Ghost?
Why does the Father say that Christ “was from the foundation of
the world”?
What is the implication of Christ’s journey for us?
In 1843, Joseph Smith said, “The Holy Ghost is
now in a state of probation which, if he should perform in righteousness, he
may pass through the same or a similar course of things that the Son has” (see
“Words of Joseph Smith” p. 245); if the Third Member of the Godhead is still in
a probationary state, who is he?
The Path: Being Thoroughly Proved Through All Hazards
READ Helaman 6:1-5
What causes gross wickedness?
Is it surprising that the fellowship between the Nephites and
Lamanites, even in the Church, happened so quickly?
READ Helaman 7:2-5
Why could Nephi II not stay among the people of the Northward
When he returns to the Land of Zarahemla, what does he find?
How did the Gadiantons “usurp” power in a country that appoints
leaders by the voice of the people?
How are the government leaders behaving?
READ Helaman 7:6-9
Is Nephi II romanticizing the “good old days” of Lehi or is he
correct in his assessment of relative wickedness?
What does it mean to be “easy to be entreated”?
Why speak of them as “firm to keep the commandments”?
READ Helaman 7:12-21
What is the difference between entreating and enticing?
Why have the Nephites hardened their hearts and forgotten God?
What does it mean to repent?
READ Helaman 7:22-23
Why will the Lord withdraw his strength from an unrighteous person
or people?
What is the danger to a nation that has enjoyed God’s strength and
protection but then loses it through wickedness?
Is righteousness relative to one’s knowledge?
READ Helaman 7:25-29
In what ways might the “good” Church members have united or
associated themselves with the Gadianton robbers?
Why is pride such a terrible sin?
How do riches cause pride?
READ Helaman 8:1-6
Why are the judges so angry at Nephi II?
What danger do the Nephites have with the Gadiantons running both
the political structure and the military?
How are the leaders framing what Nephi II is saying regarding the
destruction of the Nephites?
READ Helaman 8:11-13
Why does Nephi II use Moses as an example of one with the power of
God and why is the accusation that they deny Moses’ words such a powerful and
insulting one?
READ Helaman 8:14-16
What symbolism is Nephi II using here and why?
What are “these things” that all the holy prophets have testified
READ Helaman 8:17-22
Why does Nephi II mention the testimony of all these prophets?
Who were the “many before the days of Abraham” who were called
after the Order of His Son?
Why was Lehi driven out of Jerusalem?
What does it mean that all these prophets “looked forward” and
“have rejoiced in His day which is to come”?
READ Helaman 8:23
How were all of these people redeemed by Christ?
What does it mean that they “gave Him glory because of that which
is to come” and how does this apply to having faith and hope in Christ?
READ Helaman 8:27-28 and Helaman 9:3, 15-18
Why did Nephi II’s miraculous prophecy persuade the “five”
witnesses but did not convert the judges?
READ Helaman 9:21, 25-36
Will this second prophesy, if it plays out the way Nephi II has
predicted, convince the judges of his prophetic abilities and by extrapolation,
the truth of his message of impending Nephite destruction?
The Tree: Nephi II’s Sealing Up to Eternal Life
Read Helaman 10:3-11
Why won’t Nephi II ask that which is
contrary to the Lord’s will?
Why does the Lord begin by saying
“Thou art Nephi and I am God…”; what is happening here?
How do we know that Nephi's experience
was his calling and election?
What is "eternal life"?
What must we do to inherit eternal
When have we "made it” when do we
know that we will inherit eternal life?
What did Nephi II do to receive the
assurance of this highest blessing in mortality?
What power has the Lord given Nephi
READ Helaman 10:17-Helaman 11:5, 9-17
How did Nephi II use God’s power and what does that teach us about
the kind of person that God will trust with it?
Why are meekness and charity absolute prerequisites to obtaining
the sealing power?
READ Helaman 11:23
What does the fact that Nephi II continues to have “many
revelations daily” infer about revelation and how much there is to learn?
The Children of Men
READ Helaman 12:1-6
What is the root cause of man’s problems?
Why do people forget the Lord at the very time when He blesses
How does the imagery of “trampling” someone “under your feet”
describe the people’s relationship with the Lord?
What behavior separates the children of men (who may all be
members of the Church) from the Sons and Daughters of God (who may not all be)?
READ Helaman 12:7-22
Why doesn’t Mormon add a “but” at the end of verse seven and
qualify the sentence with all the ways we aren’t nothing?
Mormon doesn’t finish his thought here; how would you finish it?
READ Helaman 12:23-26
If no one is “good” but God, how can people do good?
How long will their everlasting life and everlasting damnation