The Zoramites’ Problem
READ Alma 32:1-5
In what ways are these Zoramites poor?
Why is fine apparel necessary for worship?
What does “poor in heart” mean?
What does the phrase “our God” suggest?
Why might they be “despised of all men” and “esteemed as dross”?
READ Alma 32:6-12
Why does Alma ask them these two rhetorical questions?
What wisdom is Alma offering to teach them?
READ Alma 32:13:
Why might it be merciful for God to permit or perhaps even inflict
Are we blessed if we are humbled against our wills?
Why are people blessed if they are compelled to be humble only
because of their afflictions?
READ Alma 32:14-16
Why is it better to humble oneself than to be compelled to be
Faith to Plant the Word of God
READ Alma 32:17-20
Why do signs, and the knowledge that comes with them, follow
belief instead of lead to it?
READ Alma 32:21
What is a perfect knowledge?
What happens if you hope for things which are not seen, which are
READ Alma 32:22-23
What are the prerequisites for faith?
So how can you find out what is true so you can place your faith
in it?
How does God impart His word unto men, women and children?
What knowledge is gained from the ministration of an angel?
Who receives the ministry of angels and who does not?
READ Alma 34:1-5
What is the real topic of Alma’s sermon?
What is Alma’s sermon preparatory to?
READ Alma 32:26
Why can’t you know of the truth of anyone’s words with surety at
first, unto perfection?
READ Alma 32:27-28
What is required to prove all things?
Why does Alma make “desire” the most important force in v27?
What is the process of faith that Alma describes?
In this introductory
stage of faith, what must the person hope for?
What is the action or
trial of faith required?
What is the
"seed" to be planted?
Who plants the seed?
How does one
"give place for a portion of the Word?"
Why might the seed
not grow?
How can we tell the
difference if the end result is that the seed did not grow?
READ Alma 32:29-35
How does one know
that they have received a confirmation of the truth of the word?
What does it mean for
a soul to be enlarged?
What does it mean for
understanding to be enlightened?
Why does Alma
describe the word as delicious?
Why does Alma say the
soul begins to be enlarged or understanding begins to be
enlightened or the seed begins to be delicious?
What do we learn about the seed if we don’t cast it out?
While God might plant the seed, who must try the experiment and
what is implied by that?
Having experimented upon the word, what knowledge is now perfect?
Is this real?
What does it mean to taste light?
READ Alma 32:36-39
Why do we need to continue to exercise faith once we know that the
word is good?
If the seed is the word and the word is Christ, what tree grows
from the seed that is planted?
What is the fruit of the tree?
How do we nourish the tree?
What does it mean that one’s “ground is barren”?
What is the “sun” and can what causes the tree to grow in our
lives also kill it?
READ Alma 32:40-43
If the fruit of the Tree of Life is Christ’s gift of immortality
and eternal life through His Atonement, what does it mean that some people will
never “pluck of the fruit”?
Why does faith require both diligence and patience – why must we
wait so long for the fruit?
When is “by and by” and how far in the future is it?
READ Alma 33:1
How does one plant the word in one’s heart, after having given
place for it, and begin to exercise faith?
READ Alma 33:2-11
What should the relationship be between an individual, a Church
and God?
Why does Alma equate prayer and worship?
An Infinite and Eternal Sacrifice
READ Alma 33:19-23
What is the symbolism of Moses’ “brazen serpent” episode?
READ Alma 34:8-14
What is this "great and last
Why can’t one man atone for the sins of another or his own?
Why did the great and last sacrifice have to be a Son of God?
READ Alma 34:15
What is the intent of the great and last sacrifice?
Whose mercy is intended to be brought into play?
What is infinite and eternal suffering?
If you had sinned less, would Christ
have suffered less?
While we cannot comprehend it unless
we experience it, what do we know about this infinite and eternal suffering?
What does Gethsemane mean?
READ Alma 34:16-17
How does the Atonement satisfy the
demands of justice and allow Christ to extend mercy?
READ Alma 34:18-27
Why should we pray?
What are we to pray for?
When and where are we to pray?
Why are many prayers ineffectual?
How does one learn to pray in the
Why must we “wait upon the Lord”?
Why should you continue to wait upon the Lord if it seems like
nothing is happening?
What is the relationship between
worship and prayer?
How and why should you worship in
What constitutes a legitimate answer
to prayer?
How are prayers routed to heaven?
Why does God not answer all of our
prayers – even if they are His will?
READ Alma 34:28-30
What is the relationship between a personal
relationship with God and a relationship with others?
READ Alma 34:31
How long does it take to be forgiven
if one TRULY repents?
READ Alma 34:32-35
Why can no “labor” be performed to “improve our time” and become
prepared to meet God after this life is done?
READ Alma 34:36
How does the Lord “dwell” in the hearts of the righteous or “holy”
Putting the Craft in Priestcraft
READ Alma 35:3
What does it mean to “destroy their craft”?
READ Alma 35:5-6
Why did the priesthood leaders hold quiet focus groups and surveys
to discover the minds of the people?