Sunday, July 19, 2020

Souls, Symbols, Sacrament (Alma 37-39) QUESTIONS

Keeping the Record

READ Alma 37:6-9
With what small and simple means does God bring great things to pass?

READ Alma 37:10-12, 17-19
What is the wise purpose God has with regards to these records, which is still a mystery to Alma?

READ Alma 37:13
Why are the commandments of God so strict?

The Fullness of Iniquity

READ Alma 37:21-22, 25-29, 31-32
Why did the Lord want Alma to preach about the results (wickedness and eventual destruction) of the Jaredites’ secrets but not the details of the covenants themselves?
Why are the secret plans and abominations so powerful that they must be kept from the people for fear of their destruction?
What is the curse laid on America?
What does “fully ripe” in iniquity mean; does it mean “generally wicked” or are their certain types and magnitudes of wickedness that constitute a fullness of iniquity?

READ Alma 37:33-34
What is the antidote to a fullness of iniquity?

Learn Wisdom Through Revelation

READ Alma 37:35-37
Why is it wise to keep the commandments of God?
What follows directly after Alma’s counsel to keep the commandments – and why?
Can “all our thoughts be directed unto the Lord” – if so, then how?

READ Alma 37:38-47
Can you have a Liahona?
How do you get the “Liahona” to work?
How does “new writing” appear on our modern day scriptural Liahonas?
How does one learn wisdom?
How easy is the way to salvation?

READ Alma 38:13-14
How is acknowledging your unworthiness before God at all times not self-loathing?

Sexual Immorality

READ Alma 38:12
What does it mean to bridle one’s passions?

READ Alma 39:1-4
What did Alma’s son Corianton do while on his mission to the Zoramites?

READ Alma 39:5-6
How serious a sin is sexual transgression; why is it “most abominable above all sins save it be murder or denying the Holy Ghost”?

READ Alma 39:7-9
What does it mean to harrow up a person’s soul and is it a good thing?
Is it possible to be forgiven of adultery?
Isn’t the repentant sinner “stronger” for having overcome the sin?
Is it possible to be exalted if one has committed adultery?
How did the Lord raise the bar even further during His mortal ministry?
What does it mean to “cross” yourself?
If sexual transgression consigns a person to a Telestial estate, why would any member of the Church contemplate committing such a sin?

Souls, Symbol and Sacrament

Note: Jeffrey R. Holland first gave a talk with this title in 1988 while he was working as the President of BYU.  It contains some great insights which are particularly important to understanding the doctrine Alma is teaching here, so I’ve included some general questions to delve deeper into some of the aspects of these ideas.

What is the doctrine behind the standard of behavior of staying morally clean?
What is a soul?
What is the importance of the body to the soul?
What is the symbol that intimacy represents?
What does it mean for a couple to be “one”?
What are the psychological and spiritual effects of symbolically giving yourself, your “all” in one area (physical), without being willing or able to give the rest?
What is a sacrament?
How is intimacy a sacrament?

READ Alma 39:19
Why is Corianton having a difficult time believing in angels and the miraculous?
What is the relationship between adultery and sign seeking?


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