Sunday, July 5, 2020

Anti-Christs (Alma 30-31) QUESTIONS

Korihor the Anti-Christ

READ Alma 30:7-11
What does it mean to be on “equal grounds”?
How would forbidding some beliefs be contrary to the divine law of equality?

When reading Korihor’s arguments against God, it may be useful to understand the philosophical principles upon which he is basing his thinking… 

Metaphysics deals with the nature of reality; what question does it try to answer?
Axiology deals with ethics and values; what question does it try to answer?
Epistemology deals with knowledge; what question does it try to answer?
What are the primary ways that people obtain or derive knowledge or truth?

READ Alma 30:12-18
What does Korihor believe about what is real?
So, what is the implication with regard to how we should live our lives?
What does Korihor believe about how we can derive truth?
What does Korihor believe about what is good or right?
What does Korihor believe about revelation as a way to obtain truth and the belief in a Christ?

READ Alma 30:22-29
What does Korihor say about those who have faith in God?
Why is Korihor’s argument (that God does not exist because He’s never been seen or known) an effective argument, and what is wrong with the argument?
So what is Korihor's bottom line message to the people?

READ Alma 30:31-35
Can Alma prove that Korihor is lying about “glutting himself on the labors of the people”?
What is Alma’s strategy in dealing with Korihor’s philosophical debate and accusatory claims?
Why is this strategy fair?

READ Alma 30:37-45
How does Alma trap Korihor in his own argument?
How does Korihor know there isn’t a God?
How has Alma beaten Korihor in getting him to admit that his argument is based on his (Korihor’s) own personal testimony? 
What sign does Alma give Korihor of the existence of God?
Why won’t Korihor believe the signs?

READ Alma 30:46-50
What is the irony in the additional sign that the Lord gives Korihor?

READ Alma 30:51-53
Can we believe Korihor’s story about his previous experience? 
How does Korihor’s story about an “angel” appearing to him change the philosophical beliefs upon which he based his initial argument to Alma?

READ Alma 30:59-60
Why does the devil not support his children at the last day?
What is the major flaw in Korihor’s argument?

The Zoramites: An Anti-Christ Society

Read Alma 31:1, 8-11, 5
Why is the preaching of the "word" in power more effective than the sword or anything else?
How is the book of Alma a testimony to the power of the “word of God”?

READ Alma 31:12-22
Are the Zoramites religious?
What kind of church meeting do the Zoramites hold each week?
Why do the people all bear the same testimony/prayer?
Why do churches use creeds?
What is the doctrine of the Zoramites?

READ Alma 31:23-29
How do these beliefs translate into behavior?
How are Korihor and the Zoramites both examples of “Anti-Christ’s”?

Why did Mormon include this account of the Zoramites in a book written for our day?


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