Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Lamanite Mission (Alma 17-22) QUESTIONS

READ Mosiah 28:3-8
After their experience with the angel and their repentance, why did the sons of Mosiah “suffer much anguish of soul” fearing that they should be cast off forever?
What does it imply when God said that the sons of Mosiah “shall have eternal life” if they are allowed to go preach to the Lamanites?

READ Alma 17:1-5
What had the sons of Mosiah done over 14 years to be able to teach with the power and authority of God?

READ Alma 17:9-12
Why did the sons of Mosiah take courage as they began their missionary work?

Ammon and King Lamoni

READ Alma 17:20-25
How does King Lamoni react to Ammon’s refusal to marry one of his daughters and become a royal son-in-law to become, instead, a servant?

READ Alma 17:26-30
How did Ammon react to the scattering of the flocks?

READ Alma 17:31-39
What do we learn about Ammon in these verses?

READ Alma 18:1-11
What does Lamoni understand God to be?

READ Alma 18:17-21
What condition does Ammon set on his servitude to the king?
Who has been scattering and stealing Lamoni’s flocks?
Why does Lamoni want to know by what power Ammon defended his flocks?

READ Alma 18:22-35
What is the thing that Ammon desires of Lamoni?
What doctrine does Ammon establish with Lamoni first?
How does the Spirit work within Ammon?

READ Alma 18:36-39
Why does Ammon risk telling Lamoni that the king’s ancestors had rebelled against God?
What does Ammon teach last to Lamoni and why does he teach the other two topics (establishing the truth about God and the falseness of the traditions of their fathers) first?

READ Alma 18:40-43
Why did Lamoni, a wicked king who has just heard a “first discussion”, have such a powerful spiritual experience?
Why are we not having these kinds of spiritual experiences?

READ Alma 19:6-8; 12-13
Compare King Lamoni’s experience with Alma II’s similar experience – what is the same and what is different?
Why were both wicked Lamoni and wicked Alma given the privilege of seeing Christ in vision?

READ Alma 19:16-17
What does Abish and her father’s experience teach us?

READ Alma 19:28-30
Of what significance is it that this miracle is done by a servant woman, Abish, rather than by Ammon?

READ Alma 19:31-36
What does it mean to “hear” the words of God?
What does it mean to have one’s heart changed and have no more desire to do evil?
Why did the people see angels if Ammon was there to teach them?

Aaron and the King of All Lamanites

READ Alma 21:4-6
What assumption does the Amalekite make with regards to the ministry of angels and Aaron’s claim in particular?
Is the Amalekite making a good argument regarding the thoughts and intents of their hearts?

READ Alma 21:7-12
Why did Aaron respond with a doctrinal question instead of just saying “the Spirit revealed your hearts to me”?
What strategy did the Amalekites use to rebuff Aaron’s preaching?
Is Aaron’s lack of success coming from the fact that he was “contending” or arguing with the people?
How does “hardening one’s heart” prohibit “reasoning together” (D&C 50:10-12; Isaiah 1:18) over the word of God?

READ Alma 21:15-17
What is the relationship between one’s traditions and being brought to a knowledge of the truth?
How does one “convince” someone of the truth of the gospel?
How should the gospel be taught and what are the implications?
What must they do after they have been “convinced” that something may be true through rational argument?

READ Alma 22:1-6
What is troubling the King and why?

READ Alma 22:7-14
Why does Aaron teach the creation, fall and atonement in that order – why not just teach the atonement?
What does it mean that no human being can merit ANYTHING of himself?

READ Alma 22:15-18
How does the King understand the concept of being born again?
What is the difference between what the King initially offers God, what God wants from the King, and what the King actually offers God in prayer?
Why does the King say “give away all my sins” rather than “forsake” my sins?
Describe the level of faith the King displays in his prayer and the implications?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...