God’s Warning to Ammonihah
Alma continues his Church reclamation efforts in Melek and then
continues on to the non-Christian Nephite city of Ammonihah to do some
missionary work, but he is rejected and cast out (see Alma 8:8-13). On the road away from the city he is visited
by an angel who commands him to return to the city and warn them that if they
do not repent, they will be destroyed in a single day (see Alma 8:16-17 and
Alma 9:4). Alma immediately returns and
meets a man (Amulek) who takes him in (see Alma 8:19-21). Alma stayed with Amulek for many days,
teaching him and his family, until the Lord commanded him to take Amulek and
begin preaching to the people again (see Alma 8:27-30).
READ Alma 9:12-13
The Lord is commanding the people of Ammonihah to repent for two
reasons – which is the most compelling?
READ Alma 9:14-17
Why will it be more tolerable for the Lamanites than for the
Nephites both in this life and the life to come, even though the Lamanites are
wild and murderous while the Nephites are “civilized”?
Why are “traditions of the fathers” such a great tool to blind people
to the truth?
READ Alma 9:25-29
What is God’s message to the people?
How did the Lord send His message?
READ Alma 9:31-32
What do the people react to in Alma’s message and why?
READ Alma 10:20-23
How does Amulek know what message the angels have been giving
What has been sparing the people?
What is a sign of the fullness of iniquity, present in this
situation, after which destruction comes?
How does the Lord destroy those who have ripened in iniquity?
How is the foundation of the destruction of the people being laid
by the unrighteousness of their lawyers and judges?
Zeezrom’s Interrogation
READ Alma 11:21-25
Does the devil have “devices” and if so, what are they?
Why would Zeezrom insult Alma with an offer of 6 onti’s of silver
(approximately $30,000 today) to deny the existence of a Supreme Being?
READ Alma 11:26-35
What doctrines have Zeezrom questioned Amulek into articulating?
Has Zeezrom trapped Amulek in his words?
READ Alma 11:36-37
What does it mean to save the people in their sins?
If Christ cannot save His people in their sins, what can He do?
If God is omnipotent, how can there be a limitation on His power?
READ Alma 11:38-41
How is the Son of God “the very Eternal Father”?
Is there more than one God?
So why did Amulek say there is only one God?
If the Atonement was eternal (see Alma 34:9-15),
why does Amulek say Christ will only take upon Himself the transgressions of
those who believe on His name and none else?
READ Alma 11:42-45
Why does it say “the spirit and the body shall be
REUNITED AGAIN in its perfect form” – why does it not say “the spirit and the
body shall be united again, but in a perfect form”?
Can the immortal body die after it is resurrected?
The Mysteries of God and the Rest of the Lord
READ Alma 12:8-15
What is the connection between the resurrection/judgment and the
mysteries of God?
What are the mysteries of God that will exalt you?
What does it mean to receive His word in you?
Are receiving the mysteries of God critical to your salvation or
How can you obtain the portion of His word that He does not allow
men to share with each other – which seems like the bulk of the mysteries?
Why are men commanded to only share a portion of the mysteries?
So why might a man receive nothing of God’s mysteries?
What is the definition of being taken captive by the devil?
READ Alma 12:16-18
What is spiritual death?
Who dies a spiritual death after the resurrection?
READ Alma 12:20-27
What is Antionah’s argument against the resurrection?
What does Antionah not understand?
What were Satan’s plans to dethrone God, after he had lost the
initial war in heaven and been cast out to the earth?
What is a probationary state?
What does “endless state” mean and what is implied?
READ Alma 12:28-30
Does God want us to know these things?
What is the role of an angel?
READ Alma 12:31-37
How is this probationary period a place or state to act, like the
When is the second death overcome?
What is the rest of the Lord?
How does one enter into the rest of the Lord?
When to we enter the rest of the Lord?