Sunday, May 3, 2020

Abinadi Before King Noah (Mosiah 12-17) QUESTIONS

Abinadi Delivers God’s Curse

READ Mosiah 12:1
Why did the Lord send Abinadi back to Noah’s people after two years?
Is two years really enough time for a people to truly repent?

READ Mosiah 12:2-8
What is the significance of Abinadi directly quoting the Lord?

Abinadi is Accused of Prophesying Lies

READ Mosiah 12:9, 12-14
Why do the people embellish Abinadi’s prophecies and change the indictment from primarily about the people to primarily about King Noah?

READ Mosiah 12:15
Why are the people and priests so confident in their righteousness?
What scriptural basis do the people have which leads them to believe that the presence of material blessings proves God’s approval?
What is the nature of the relationship between obedience and prosperity – is prosperity a blessing predicated in heaven upon obedience (see D&C 130:20-21)?
How have Noah’s people misinterpreted Nephi’s revelation about obedience and prosperity?
Why might a prosperous people interpret the scriptures this way?
Is past prosperity a guarantee of future prosperity?

Abinadi’s Trial Before King Noah and His Priests

READ Mosiah 12:17-19
Did Noah’s priests hold legitimate priesthood?
If Noah’s priests held priesthood and led the Church, then what do you make of the Lord calling Abinadi, who had no authority, to prophesy repentance and destruction to the people?
What is the difference between a Priest and a Prophet?
As this is a trial, why do the Priests accuse Abinadi, instead of seeking to uncover the truth of the matter – especially as Abinadi has been very clear that his message comes straight from God?

READ Mosiah 12:20-24
Why do you think the priests asked Abinadi about this particular scripture?
Why do the Priests prefer the words of a dead prophet (Isaiah, in this case) to the words of the living prophet standing before them (Abinadi)?

READ Mosiah 12:25
Abinadi has claimed to have a message from God or in other words, to be a prophet and they have asked him to explain the words of a more difficult prophet – why does he condemn them for asking?

READ Mosiah 12:26-27
What does it mean to pervert the ways of the Lord?
What does it mean to apply your “hearts” to understanding, rather than your mind?

Teaching the Law of Moses

READ Mosiah 12:28-37
How can Noah’s priests justify that their behavior qualifies as keeping the Law of Moses such that they don’t tremble before God when confronted with Abinadi’s accusations?
Why does Abinadi differentiate between the Law of Moses and the Commandments of God delivered to Moses upon Sinai?
Of all the Ten Commandments, why does Abinadi highlight putting other God’s – including “idols” – before God?

READ Mosiah 13:1-5
How does King Noah choose to show his anger and what does he not choose to do?
Why did Abinadi’s face shine with light and what is implied?

READ Mosiah 13:6-10
What does it mean that Abinadi’s message cuts them to their hearts?

READ Mosiah 13:11
Why does Abinadi read the scriptures to them?

READ Mosiah 13:12-14
What could the full extent of “making”, “worshipping” and “serving” a “graven image” mean?
What does it mean that God is “jealous”?
Why would a loving God who values justice and agency visit with a curse the iniquities of a father on a whole family through the great grandchildren?

READ Mosiah 13:15
How are the Priests taking the Lord’s name in vain?

READ Mosiah 13:16-26
What is the priest’s responsibility?

READ Mosiah 13:27-28
Why doesn’t salvation come by the Law alone?
Why was it expedient that Israel keep the Law of Moses even though they wouldn’t be saved by the law?

READ Mosiah 13:29-32
What is the relationship between the type of behavior a people demonstrate and the kind of law they require?
Why do those living a telestial existence require a stricter law?
What did Israel not understand about the Law and what was the result?

READ Mosiah 13:33-35
Why does Abinadi say that “God Himself” will “come down” and “take upon Him the form of man” when we know He is talking about Jesus Christ?

Christ Is the Father and the Son

Note: Questions for Mosiah 15 will be addressed in the blogpost for Isaiah 53

READ Mosiah 14:10-11
Who are Christ’s seed?

READ Mosiah 15:1-5
What makes a man your “father”?
Who will be the “Father” of your exaltation and eternal life, if you come unto Him?
What makes Him your Father, in heaven?
Why did “God Himself” have to come down from Heaven to redeem His people?
Why did Jehovah, a “Son of God” exalted to be God before the foundation of this world, come down to redeem mankind instead of “God” (the Father “Ahman”) doing it?
Is Jesus Christ the Father and the Son?
Is Jehovah or Jesus Christ the same “personage” as Heavenly Father Ahman (see D&C 78:20)?

Jesus Christ Attains to the Resurrection

READ Mosiah 15:6-9
How did Christ break the bands of death, giving Him power to intercede on our behalf?

READ Mosiah 15:10-18
What makes you a “seed” or Son/Daughter of Christ?
Why are the feet of those who bring good tidings beautiful?
What is the desire of those whose “feet” have been cleansed and sanctified by Christ?

READ Mosiah 15:19-23
In what sense would all have to perish if it weren’t for the redemption Christ brings?
If you are not raised to a state of celestial glory, will you not dwell with God, even as a ministering servant?

READ Mosiah 15:26-27
What does it mean to die “in” your sins?
Why would Christ “deny Himself” if He gave salvation to those who willfully rebelled against His commandments – can’t He declare who receives salvation, and who hasn’t willfully rebelled at some point, anyway?

READ Mosiah 15:28-31
What is Abinadi prophesying about?

READ Mosiah 16:1-5
Why does Abinadi teach that ALL people shall “see eye to eye,” like those in Zion, and what does that mean?
Who is an enemy to God at the day of judgment and who are “His People”?

READ Mosiah 16:6-8
Why is the message of the resurrection such an important part of Abinadi’s message?

READ Mosiah 16:9
What does it mean that Christ is the light and the life of the world?
What does it mean that His light and life are endless?

READ Mosiah 16:10-15
What seems to be implied about coming again into the presence of God?
Who gets a body of immortality and incorruption?
What do “endless life” and “endless damnation” mean?
When does this “endless damnation” begin and what is implied about “kingdoms of glory”?
Does “calling upon the Lord” mean praying?
What does it imply that Christ extends “arms of mercy” toward us?
What does Christ ask us to do?
Will the Law of Moses or ANY set of religious standards of behavior save you?
So what must we, who are under condemnation and living a lesser law, teach?

Noah Condemns Abinadi to Death

READ Mosiah 17:1
Why did the King and Priests wait patiently until Abinadi had prophesied of their imminent destruction and damnation?

READ Mosiah 17:2-4
Abinadi was rejected and killed, and only made one convert; what impact did his ministry have?

READ Mosiah 17:5-7
Why did Noah deliberate for three days about Abinadi while he was willing to kill Alma immediately?

READ Mosiah 17:8-10
What is the official charge against Abinadi and what is the real reason for his death sentence?
Did Abinadi know he was going to his death?

READ Mosiah 17:13, 20
What does it mean to be valiant in the Testimony of Jesus?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...