Friday, March 6, 2020

The Gate, the Path, and the End (2 Nephi 31-33)

Christ, Our Example

READ 2 Nephi 31:2-8
Why is baptism required for residing in God’s presence – so much so that Christ Himself was baptized?
·       Baptism is a reenactment of Christ’s death and resurrection – once under the water you are cut off from the breath of life and will die if you remain there.  To retain the power to live, you must return to the surface but you are dependent upon the one performing the ordinance to lift you up and return you to life. All things bear record of Christ (see Moses 6:60-65)
·       Christ needed the power of the Father and we need the officiator (Christ), who is playing that role (the Father) for us
·       Submitting to the Father in faith in this way is a witness to the Father that He (Christ) and we would be obedient unto Him (the Father), even if we were to die as a result; we are completely in His hands, to raise us up or let us die
·       Baptism is a commandment of the Father (see Moses 6:60) and Christ is our example (in this case of submitting in complete obedience to the commandment of the Father)
·       Baptism is an invitation and teaching model: We must complete the ordinance first, which is an authorized invitation to experience the real thing and teaches about it via symbol, and then go forward and experience the real thing for yourself
·      Since we are unholy, death has a claim on us – we are condemned by our sins – we will not face judgement (perfection) and pass – so we desperately need a Savior and baptism is how we make the required covenant relationship with Christ legitimate; baptism is the witness we make to Christ that we will covenant with Him - that in return for our whole souls and a loving relationship, that He will decree us “perfect” (in Christ) before the Father – clean from the sins of the world – so that we might be justified in being sealed up to eternal life
What is the relationship between baptism by water and receiving the Holy Ghost?
·       Water baptism without receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost or baptism by fire renders the event incomplete; it is going through the motions – it is doing a rite without experiencing what the rite is supposed to guide you to, which is a real, transformational event
·       The water is something that we must pass through to keep the law or commandment – but it is the companionship of the Spirit which justifies you by leading you to do what is right and guides you to Christ, who applies His blood on your behalf to sanctify you (see Moses 6:60)
·       If we have repented, we will receive a remission of our sins through this covenant enabled by the ordinance of baptism – but the “real thing” happens when Christ accepts our offering and blesses us with the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost
·     For Christ, Joseph Smith and Alma receiving the Holy Ghost happened immediately after baptism by water – it is interesting that no hands were needed to be placed on their heads!  (see Acts 8:14-17; JSH 1:73-74; Mosiah 18:13-14)
·       For us, we must live the terms of the covenant for the covenant to become “in effect” or in other words, for our sacrifice (the required terms) to be accepted by God

The Gate and the Path

READ 2 Nephi 31:9
Why is the Gate narrow and what does this mean?
·       The Gate is narrow because it is hard to find – although it’s hidden in plain sight it is not what we are led to expect it to be by the world, including the religious of the world
·       It is narrow because it is hard to navigate through: it is the only way and you must comply with the requirements for entry – offering your whole soul as a sacrifice; to enter the narrow gate, you must strip yourself of all excess baggage – attachments, material possessions, sins, falsehoods, etc.

Read 2 Nephi 31:10-12
600 years before Christ’s mortal birth, why does Nephi write that Christ said (past tense) “follow thou me”?
·       Because Nephi has seen the future in vision – he is recording it for us as if it were past because he’s already seen it (it is past for Nephi)
·       Because all things are before God’s face – past, present and future – and He can show any of it in vision as it will/did happen to a prophet
·       This remembering of the future makes the mind of the prophet like the mind of God (i.e. the Holy Spirit)
Can we follow Jesus and not keep the commandments?
·       No
·       But we must understand what “keep the commandments” means – 
·   To be precisely like Christ, we must be more than just willing to keep the commandments – Christ “kept” the commandments perfectly and so must we to be saved and exalted…
·       But for us now, in this mortal probation, we must perfectly keep the commandment to follow the doctrine of Christ – faith, repentance, baptism and birth of the Spirit, abide in covenant, which includes our best efforts to keep the commandments because we love the Lord, and endure to the End or until we find the Omega, and then we will receive further instructions…
·       We must also keep all of the commandments we have been given, because we are promised that we won’t be given a commandment we can’t keep (see 1 Nephi 3:7; 1 Corinthians 10:13; Alma 11:34-35; Colossians 1:28); that doesn’t mean we keep all of the commandments like Christ did, because we don’t know them all yet, but those who love Christ, keep all of the commandments they know of (see John 14:15)
How does one (like Christ) “keep the commandments” when some of those commandments seem to conflict – like the commandment to do good vs. to do no work on the Sabbath, or to replenish the earth vs. not partake of the fruit of the Tree?
·       You must obtain the mind of God (Holy Spirit) because whatever is God’s will is right (see Psalms 33:4, Deuteronomy 32:4, Alma 12:15)
·       Virtue is not the same as righteousness; righteousness (God’s will) trumps virtue (moral goodness); sometimes these two seem to be in conflict because we don’t understand the mind of God
·   Note: “keep the commandments” seems to be a relative command – meaning that Christ’s keeping of the commandments (or the number and complexity of commandments He kept during His mortal ministry) is different than what is expected of each of us now (and each of us may also have different “commandment expectations” from God, based on where we are at with regards to light-acquisition); but ultimately, to be saved like Christ, we must be precisely like Him… (see LOF 7:9)
There are few direct quotes from the Father in the scriptures, what does it imply that He told Nephi to repent and be baptized in the name of His beloved Son?
·       If He had only one thing to say to you, it would be this
·       His work and glory is to bring to pass our immortality and eternal life – repenting and being baptized is the ESSENTIAL first step (see Moses 1:39)
·       But it makes you think that there might be more to “repenting and being baptized” than we think…
Who gives us the Holy Ghost?
·       The Father – it is His gift to us; the Father of our spirits has given us all that spirit which dwells within us (see Hebrews 12:9 and D&C 130:22)
How does Nephi know what the Father said and where else is this quote found in scripture?
·       It is found nowhere else in scripture – at least being spoken as a direct quote by the Father
·     Nephi heard the Father say this to him!  This tells us a lot about Nephi’s spiritual life and standing before God – as Nephi was in God’s presence (most likely in Heaven) to hear this
·       And the Son was with the Father when He said it, because Christ then adds His comment – they are one yet two and speak with mankind as men speak with each other
·       Note: this verse debunks the Mormon legend that the Father only testifies of His Son – that He has nothing else to say to us or is prohibited from speaking to us directly – this comes from a misreading of JST John 1:18
What does Christ mean when He says “follow thou me”?
·       We must be baptized as He was
·       We must keep the commandments as He did
·       We must be precisely as Christ is to be saved and exalted (see LoF 7:9)
·     We must attain to the resurrection as He did, going from a small capacity to a great one – grace to grace, from exaltation to exaltation (see TPJS 391:1-393:1)
·       It means that Christ is our literal example in our quest for salvation – we must do what He did

READ 2 Nephi 31:13
What does “following Christ” require?
·       Not just the actions but the intentions, heart and desires; 
·       Full purpose of heart – with all your heart
·       Acting no hypocrisy – not for show or but genuinely with your whole soul
·       No deception before God – is that even possible for us now?  “No disposition to do evil” is a key trait
·       Real intent – to truly commit to do what is required to follow Christ
·       Repenting of sins – confess to God and forsake with His help
·       Witnessing unto the Father – covenanting or promising or bearing testimony to God Himself
·     Willing to take upon you the name of Christ – willing with your whole soul to enter into the Lord’s immediate family through a covenant requiring a broken heart and contrite spirit

READ 2 Nephi 31:14
What happens when you follow Christ using His formula?
·       You will receive the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost
·       Which enables you to speak with a new tongue – the tongue of angels
What does the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost do?
·       Purges you from all sin – you are made clean, every whit, by the “refining fire” of the Spirit; you are not only decreed innocent (justification) but the refining fire of the Spirit actually changes your spirit on whatever the molecular-equivalent of a spirit body is – you are infused with light that was not there before and the dross or darkness is burned away (some of it, at least)
·       Be brought to remember all things, through the instrumentality of the Holy Ghost which dwells within you
·       Endows you with a “mighty change of heart” where you have no more disposition to do evil but have a desire to do good continually (see Mosiah 5:2) – you have received the Mind of God or Holy Spirit
How can a person speak with a new tongue and what does this mean?
·       Through the experience of the mighty change of heart or initial sanctification that comes through the baptism of fire, you are filled with a measure of light/truth/intelligence that you didn’t have before and couldn’t conceive of
·    With this new intelligence, you can see sacred things in a different light – in a light more aligned with God’s understanding (albeit not equal to it by any means) because you have received an endowment of light from the Holy Spirit or mind of God – you are more like God, sharing (a portion) of His mind
·       Ultimately, the “new tongue” is to “know” Christ Himself – be ministered to by Him so that you know Him with a surety (see 3 Nephi 11:14-15) and better understand His words
·       As a result of this, your thought and speech is elevated; it is to reveal truth (light, intelligence) through the things you are authorized or commissioned by Christ to speak
·       It is to act the role of “angel” or “true messenger” as directed by God
·       It is to have the Word of God within you
Can an angel fall from grace and if so, how?
·       Yes
·       They can be cast out of heaven (see 2 Nephi 2:17) and become a devil (see 2 Nephi 9:8)
·       It would be better if they had never known Christ because they have decided to crucify Him anew
·    After learning all they have learned through obedience to God (including knowing Jesus is the Christ through His ministration to them – they have tactile knowledge not mere faith) and being filled with light and glory, they have turned against the Lord in willful and knowing rebellion (see D&C 76:35)
·       Lucifer’s fall shows that an individual doesn’t have to be a human experiencing a mortal probation at the time they fall from grace; it can also happen as an “angel” while residing in heaven

READ 2 Nephi 31:15-16
What does it mean to “endure to the end”?
·       It is to retain a fixed commitment or purpose to always serve God so that you may always have His spirit to be with you
·       To stay faithful to the covenants made with God – abide in that covenant to the end of your journey – to the end of this life, to the end of eternity, through the eternities – to be “found fighting” 
·       Enduring to the end is requisite to receiving the promised blessings – a season of effort followed by abandonment of the path is not enough; in fact, it will damn us, so God in His mercy will not give us what we seek if this is so (in most cases, at least) – which knowledge He has because all things are before His face (D&C 130:7)
·       It means to endure until you find Christ in the flesh; “Omega” means “the end” and “Endless” is also one of the names for Christ (see 3 Nephi 9:18; D&C 19:10) so “enduring to the End” means continuing to abide in the gospel covenant until we have entered into Christ’s (“the End’s”) presence, at which time He will give us further instructions to assist us in entering with Him into the presence of the Father to be sealed up to eternal life (see 2 Nephi 32:6; Mosiah 5:15; D&C 88:75)
·       The Gospel of Jesus Christ was always intended to confer more than just belief or faith, but a sure knowledge attained by entering back into His presence through the veil, in this life.
What does it mean to “endure to the end in following the example of the Son of God” or you cannot be saved?
·     Does it mean to follow His example in being baptized or in loving others as He did or in perfectly keeping all of the commandments or in doing all of His deeds as He did them?  Yes
·       We must be precisely like Christ or we cannot be saved – He is the prototype of the saved man (LoF 7:9)
·       So we must endure or live our lives by following Christ’s example precisely or do the deeds that He did and become the person He was
·     Endure to the end ultimately means that we must endure through many eternities until we have attained unto the resurrection ourselves, as Christ did – so that He is literally our example in all things, as He is the End (Omega) and Endless, and being saved is becoming precisely as He is or in other words, following His example in all things (see D&C 93:12-14, TPJS 390-393; LoF 7:9, 15-16)
What is the relationship between Christ being the Father’s “beloved” and Christ’s words being “true and faithful”?
·       There is a direct relationship between these – He is beloved because He has been true and faithful from the beginning (see 3 Nephi 11:11); (note: why does it say “beginning” if we have always existed?  Beginning of what?  Christ was called the Son because He received not of the fullness at first but received grace for grace (D&C 93:12-14), so when was He absolutely true and faithful to God – like unto God - from?  Beginning may refer to the beginning of an eternity, rather than the beginning of all things, because that would mean that He always possessed a fullness and had no need to move from grace to grace)
·     Christ only does and says what He knows represents the Father’s will – He represents the “Word” of the Father because His words are the Father’s (see D&C 93:8) as they share the same mind – a fullness of the Holy Spirit
·       It is this that qualified Christ to be the Redeemer

READ 2 Nephi 31:17
What is the Gate to the Path leading to God’s presence?
·     Repentance, baptism by water to make the covenant (on our side), and baptism by fire (to show the covenant is accepted and in force from God’s side)
·       Christ is the gate and the gatekeeper (see John 10:7; 2 Nephi 9:41) and we are commanded to “know the Gate” by which we should enter
If you have never experienced the baptism of fire or “birth of the Spirit”, have you entered in at the Gate?
·       No
·    If you have been baptized by water you have received an authorized invitation, but if you have not offered up the required sacrifice - which are the terms of the covenant (your whole soul, a broken heart and contrite spirit) – you have not entered in at the gate
·       You retain the invitation while you live but you are loitering with it outside of the gate…
Is this a problem?  Do you have to enter this “Gate” to be saved?
·       Yes, it is a problem – you must enter the Gate or covenant
·     This Gate is the only way back to God’s presence to allow you to be sealed up to eternal life; if you end up in His presence another way, it will be only to be judged and cast out of His presence again
·       The reason for this is that entering the gate is our choice and if we choose not to enter it, we only have ourselves to blame; it’s like the man who refused to wear the wedding garment that was provided to him freely by the King (see Matthew 22:8-14)
Is entering the Gate an event or a process?
·       While there may be a process or walk leading up to it, entering a Gate is an event
·       I can say “I’ve entered it” or I can know I haven’t entered it; it is not a matter of entering it by “degrees”
·      The fire (glory, light, intelligence, spirit) are given as a sign to the recipient that they may know it is safe for them to enter into God’s presence and not be consumed
·       One can enter the Gate from anywhere on the “Righteousness Scale” – it is the act of turning completely to God and putting your whole soul on His altar, not getting yourself “worthy” to receive some gift (of the Holy Ghost) through your own righteousness.  Sometimes our seeming inability to keep commandments (which the Lord can change quickly through sanctification if He wishes) confuses us if we equate entering the Gate with a certain level of righteousness – it is really equated with a certain level of contrition and humility from awaking to our awful state of need for Christ – because that’s what leads us to true submission to His will
·       Sanctification is what comes by degrees as we move from grace to grace, growing in light, knowledge and capacity for good

READ 2 Nephi 31:18
Why is the path “strait and narrow” and what does that mean?
·       The way back to God is not “crooked” or complicated, although it is constrained or “narrow”
·       The Path is strait (not straight) meaning that you must not deviate to the left or right but stay on the path
·       The Path is “strait” because it is trying to help you become “precisely” what the Lord is and nothing else
·       The Path is strait not to deprive you of something but because it is trying to direct you back to the only place where an “abundance” can be obtained – by helping you to connect to the “true vine” and be able to “bear fruit” (see John 15:4-7), at which time you can ask of Christ and we will bless you in all things
·       The path is a “strait” or narrow passage which connects two things; in this case it connects us or reconnects us with God
Who promises the Holy Ghost and what does the Holy Ghost do once you receive it?
·      The Father and the Son promise the Holy Ghost to all those who enter in at the “Gate” or baptism – if they live the terms of that covenant by purifying ourselves through sacrifice (see 1 John 3:1-3 and LoF 6)
·       The Holy Ghost bears witness of the Father and the Son, as it is the “Record of Heaven” – by purging and purifying you in a way you cannot do to yourself, which is proof of Christ’s power of atonement (see Malachi 3:2) and by filling you with light and knowledge so that you know the “truth of all things” (see Moses 6:61, 3 Nephi 27:27) 
·      In one eternal round, the doctrine of Christ includes all members of the Godhead combined into a witness that will come to you and take up residence within you – making you a vessel of the promises fulfilled! (see also John 14:23)

READ 2 Nephi 31:19-20
After you have entered through the Gate into the Path, have you arrived?  
·       No, the Path is not the destination
·       The Path must be walked precisely to the End (see Luke 9:62)
How do you “walk the Path”?
·       By following the Word of Christ
·       By exercising “unshaken” faith in Christ
·       By relying wholly on Christ’s merits
·       By pressing forward with steadfastness in Christ
·       By obtaining a perfect brightness of hope
·       By receiving the pure love of Christ
·       By enduring, in covenant, to the end
What is “unshaken” faith in Christ and in what circumstances would you need it?
·       It means exercising faith in the face of the imminent failure of that faith (or God) as you perceive it – it is having faith in the “4th Watch God” or the “Lord’s Law of the Very Last Minute”
·       It is refusing to be “shaken” when the circumstances are attempting to shake you from your faith
·       When walking the path – this implies how difficult the path will be – it is designed to be a path that will shake you
What does it mean to rely “wholly” on the merits of Christ?
·       You can take NO pride in what you have done (see Mosiah 2:22-25) but see yourself as you really are = less than the dust of the earth (see Mosiah 4:2)
·       You must know He in whom you have “trusted” and must trust Him completely (see 2 Nephi 4:19-26)
·       Wholly means completely; you can’t rely on Christ completely and still seek to hedge your bets with your own merits or arm of the flesh
What does it mean to “press forward” with “steadfastness” in Christ?
·     This is where our works come in – to press forward or continue to trust in the merits of Christ even in the face of challenge, affliction and the apparent failure of faith; pressing forward implies that something is pushing back against you
·       Steadfastness in Christ implies to be firmly fixed or adhering to Christ and His promises; immovably faithful to the Lord
·       Implied is that if we are immovably fixed or adhered to Christ against all challenges or apparent failures, Christ will do the “moving” of the two of us down the path using His merits
What is a “perfect brightness of hope” and how is it obtained?
·       A perfect brightness of hope is the promise of eternal life given to us by the voice of God Himself, in His presence or “brightness” (see D&C 88:75)
·       We then have hope of eternal life because of the promise we have been given by God – we can exercise faith in that “hope” or promise because God is a God of truth and cannot lie and has the power to make all His promises come to pass, regardless of how outlandish or impossible they may seem to you
How is the love of God gained?
·       It is a gift of the Spirit – it is not manufactured by us
·       It is received as granted to us by God’s grace (see Ether 12:36)
What does it mean to “feast upon the word of Christ” and what might that require?
·       Feasting implies an abundance of rich food and the time to eat as much of it as pleases you – until you are full
·       You can’t “snack” and “fill up” on “less nutritious fare” or you will not be hungry for Christ’s feast
·    Interesting that most feasts are held in a group where all are sharing the life-giving food together in a joyful or celebratory social setting which is usually not “pot luck” (bring your own) but provided free to the guests by the host
·       Personal scripture study can be a feast if one has invited true messengers to share the light with you
Enduring to the “End” implies a destination, so where does the Path lead?
·       Back to Christ, and through Him to the Father – in the flesh
·       Again, Christ is Omega (“the End”) and Endless is His name! (see 3 Nephi 9:18; D&C 19:10); Christ is the End we must endure to
·       Eternal life is to know God and Christ (see John 17:3; 3 Nephi 11:14-15; Jeremiah 31:34); eternal life is the destination or the “End” of the path
Who promises us eternal life?
·       The Father
·       Or the “office” of the Father – one who is authorized in playing the role of “father” to you (this cannot be a man but must be through the veil – only a God can make this promise because only a God can keep it)
·       Eternal life means to make you a “son of God” – which requires a “father” with authority to declare this (see Psalms 2:7)

READ 2 Nephi 31:21
What is the “doctrine of Christ”?
·     First, receive a testimony from the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost of the Father and the Son, sufficient to believe in Christ as the only way to salvation
·        Second, completely repent
·       Third, be baptized in water and receive the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost (see 3 Nephi 11:32-36; 3 Nephi 12:19-20)
·       Fourth, abide or endure faithful to that covenant to the End (Christ Himself) and be sealed up to Eternal Life
·       “This is the doctrine of Christ” = “this is the Way”; in other words, the Way IS the doctrine of Christ and the doctrine of Christ is the Way; that Way or Doctrine leads us all the way back to the Tree of Life or Christ Himself
What does it mean that there is none other way or name?
·       This doctrine is what will save you – full stop (see also 3 Nephi 11:39-40)
·   The other ordinances (including “higher ordinances” like Initiatory and Temple rites) are not essential in and of themselves, but the purposes of those ordinances is essential – the ordinances prepare and assist us in understanding, receiving and living the doctrine of Christ; remember ordinances are an authorized invitation to receive the real thing – if they are from God and have not been altered by men, they point to the real thing and ready or prepare the mind to receive it, but they are not the real thing itself.  Specifically, the Temple ordinances open our minds to where the Path leads that we are enduring to the End of. 
After testifying of the truth of the Doctrine of Christ that he has just taught us, why does Nephi conclude with the phrase “of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, which is one God without end”?
·       Nephi possesses the High Priesthood After the Order of the Son of God which holds sealing authority – by the use of this phrase, he is signaling to us that he has this Priesthood
·       He is sealing his testimony as binding upon us; that he has discharged his duty to us by teaching us the truth (see also 2 Nephi 9:44)
·       We only use this phrase in two ordinances – at baptism and marriage sealing (the two bookend ordinances)

READ 2 Nephi 32:1-3
How is communication and understanding of God’s will obtained?
·       Through revelation from God Himself
·       That line of communication between you and God is opened by way of the Doctrine of Christ – receiving the baptism of fire and the Holy Ghost
·       Revelation comes from contact with and communication by the Holy Ghost
·      The Holy Ghost is the instrumentality by which redemption comes – the Spirit is the guide that will lead us back to the Lord’s presence – without the guide, the doctrine of Christ is incomplete.
 What is the Holy Ghost able to tell you?
·       ALL things!  The fullness of truth
·       You don’t need another source once you are in contact with the Holy Ghost – it possesses the “Record of Heaven” (see Moses 6:61)

READ John 14:26 and Deuteronomy 30:11-14
What is the Holy Ghost helping you to remember?
·       Everything you (your spirit) knew in heaven from past eternities, that will give you so much the advantage in THIS world (see Alma 13:3-12; D&C 130:18-21; D&C 93:12-14; TPJS 391:1-393:1)
·       But is kept from you by the “veil” of flesh now covering your spirit (see Hebrews 10:20)
Where are the “words” of God or “record of heaven” forgotten but residing?
·       Within you – your spirit has them but has forgotten everything, so they seem hidden from you
·      The “record of heaven” is the memory of knowledge that you have gained of heaven and the “mysteries of godliness”; interestingly, the Holy Ghost or Comforter is called the Record of Heaven (see Moses 6:61)…
·       If you gain access to it, it has the capacity to teach you (again) the truth of all things.
·       Christ taught that the kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:20-21)
To gain access to God, will you need to go out or will you need to go within?
·       If the Comforter or Holy Ghost dwells within us and is a member of the Godhead… 
·       And the Holy Ghost is what quickenth all things and maketh alive all things (see Moses 6:61)…
·    And it brings all things to our remembrance; including the “record of heaven” or “things of God” or “mysteries of godliness” that our spirit still knows through experience gained in the past but has forgotten because of the veil of flesh…
·       And God Himself is preserving us in this mortal world by lending us breath, supporting us from moment to moment, and has even loaned us the materials from which He created our bodies (see Mosiah 2:21)…
·       His presence within us must be very immediate and close!
·       It is inside each of us where the real battle of mortality takes place – grinding to dust and blowing away the influence of “Babylon’s” culture (see Daniel 2:34-35)
·       As we are potentially the Temple of God – a place where He can dwell on earth (see 1 Corinthians 3:16) if we awake and arise and realize who and what we really are
What is the difference between the words of the Holy Ghost, God’s angels, and Jesus Christ?
·       Nothing – they all speak the same words, as long as they are all speaking by the Holy Spirit or mind of God (see LoF 5:2)
·       They all tell us “all things that we should do” if we will “feast” upon them
How do you unlock this power that exists inside you and receive access to the great inner record of truth?
·       Through the Doctrine of Christ: we must enter in by the Gate (faith, repentance, baptism of water and fire) and faithfully abide in covenant or endure to the end to be sealed up to eternal life
·       As we learned in 2 Nephi 31:20, it is not just the actions but the intent or desires of our hearts that is equally critical – you cannot deceive yourself or God about whether you will follow (or are following) God with full purpose of heart and real intent
·     And as we follow Christ’s example by doing His works ourselves (i.e. we keep His commandments), the light will increase within us – light is truth, intelligence, glory (D&C 93:28, 36) – as we become precisely like He is, we can receive a fullness of light (D&C 93:20 and LoF 7:9)
·       If we do these things, there is a law irrevocably decreed in heaven which permits us to receive what is offered (see D&C 130:20-21)
·       We can know if our sacrifice is accepted by God – He will give us a personal assurance that the path we are pursuing is according to His will (see LoF 6)
·       We will also know in our hearts whether our confidence has “waxed strong in the presence of God” because we have successfully entered the gate and followed the path or if we feel “racked with a consciousness of guilt” (see D&C 121:45 and Mormon 9:3-5) because we are lying to ourselves about our condition

READ 2 Nephi 32:4-5
How does one truly comprehend the doctrine of Christ?
·       By gathering light (see D&C 50:24)
·       Until the “perfect day” where the light has chased away all darkness (see D&C 93:20)
·       Which is reached or gained by obedience to commandments – aligning your behavior and being with the way God acts and is (see D&C 130:19)
·       Having a vocabulary to discuss these things and having the light to comprehend them are two different things (see also D&C 6:21; D&C 10:58; D&C 34:2; D&C 39:2; D&C 45:7; D&C 88:49) but the proud who are learned assume they understand when they do not; sadly and ironically, they will perish in the dark.
·       You must be humble enough to assume you don’t understand, then ask God and follow His instruction – the Holy Ghost will be “unlocked” within you to tell you what you lack and what you exactly need to do. 
·       It is in the doing that you find the learning – the “live and learn” principle is how you grow in light.  By following Him you learn to be like Him.  The commandments are a revelation of what Christ is really like – He keeps them perfectly because they ARE Him (see LoF 7:9, 15)
·       The commandments are not something we follow to please God, but something we do to understand God.  We cannot understand some things if we do not have the necessary light to permit understanding as light “quickens” our minds and comprehension, and it requires alignment with God’s ways or commandments to acquire more light.  God is God and has the glory (light, intelligence, Spirit) He has because He acts in a way to enable a fullness of that light – being a God requires that He be precisely what He is and nothing else (see LoF 7:9, 15).  That is why you must “live” (the commandments) in order to “learn” – you must align yourself with the light in order to comprehend all things.

The End

READ 2 Nephi 32:6
Who was the Book of Mormon written for?
·       The Remnant of the House of Israel
·       Those Gentiles who will repent and be adopted into that House
·       NOT THE PEOPLE AT THE TIME THE BOOK WAS WRITTEN (see 2 Nephi 33:13 – “voice from the dust”)
What event is Nephi referring to when He speaks of Christ manifesting Himself in the flesh?
·   He is not speaking of Christ’s visit to the Nephites in 3 Nephi 11 because the Book is not addressed to his contemporaries
·       Nephi is speaking to you, the reader of the Book of Mormon
When will Christ manifest Himself unto YOU in the FLESH?
·       When you have sacrificed all earthly things (TPJS 172:1)
·       In His own time and in His own way and according to His own will (see D&C 88:68)
What is the purpose of the Doctrine of Christ?
·       To lead you back into Christ’s presence in the flesh (see John 14:23; D&C 130:3)
·       That you might be redeemed from the Fall (see Ether 3:13)
·       This is the whole purpose of the Doctrine
·     The Comforter’s (Holy Ghost) job is to tell you what you must do to receive the Second Comforter, who will take you further still
·       In fact, the doctrine of Christ IS the way back into Christ’s presence!
What will Christ do when He manifests Himself unto you in the flesh?
·       He will teach you additional doctrine – doctrine which comes after the Doctrine of Christ but which you are now ready for, after you’ve received the Second Comforter (His manifestation to you in the flesh)
·       But until then, the Doctrine of Christ is all you will need – focus completely on entering the Gate, enduring or walking the Path, finding and partaking of the fruit of the Tree at the End of the path, which fruit or End is Christ Himself
Must you do the things Christ tells you to do?  What if they are different from the virtuous things you understand you are supposed to do?  What if they will set you apart from others you love or respect in a way that may bring persecution to you?
·       You will have just received the Testimony of Jesus to the Father that you are clean before Him, so… (see D&C 88:75)
·       If you want to be valiant in the Testimony of Jesus, you must follow His commandments to you (See D&C 76:79 and 2 Nephi 33:14)
·       If you are not valiant, it would have been better if you had not received that Testimony; but we all have our agency – to seek, to choose the light, and to later reject it or to continue to endure to whatever end

READ 2 Nephi 32:7
Can you learn this new Doctrine from another man – even from a prophet?
·       No
·       This doctrine cannot be taught by one man to another; it must be taught by Christ to you personally (see Alma 12:9-10)
·      This may tell us about the nature of what Christ has to tell us – it is personal to us and it is something only He has the right to share
·      Or it may be that we cannot comprehend it unless He endows us with light at the time He tells us; or perhaps we have to gain that light through obedience to what He tells us
·       Or it may be that those who receive this new doctrine are not allowed to share it, under oath
What is wicked about not pressing forward steadfast in the Doctrine of Christ to the point that you receive Christ in the flesh?
·       We thwart the work and glory of God because we are not redeemed (see Moses 1:39 and Ether 3:13)
·       We will not receive the gift that has been offered to us (see D&C 88:33)
What is the connection between “unbelief”, “ignorance”, and “stiffneckedness”?
·       Unbelief is believing things that are wrong or false
·       Ignorance is not comprehending truth
·       Stiffneckedness is pride
·       In our pride, we believe things that are wrong and we don’t even know it!  But we will be damned for it.
Why will we not search knowledge when it is given to us in plainness?
·       We think we already know it
·       But we don’t comprehend it because we are not filled with enough light, but will perish in the dark.
·       We won’t humble ourselves and ask (see 1 Nephi 15:7-11)
·       We won’t listen to the Holy Ghost when it whispers

READ 2 Nephi 32:8-9
What is Nephi telling us to do to understand this doctrine – which we won’t do?
·       Pray!  Ask God yourself
·       But we won’t – we “ponder in our hearts” if this invitation comes from the Lord, and we wonder whether we should take it seriously and pray about it or not
·       But we don’t – and we will be damned by our fear and/or careless indifference and the subtly of Satan teaching us not to pray but to listen to the counsel of men – to go to them for doctrine… we are following the promptings of a spirit but not the right one
Why is Nephi so distraught with our failure to believe him and pray to find out the truth of this matter?
·       He wants us all to know what he knows and experience what he has experienced
·       He understands it is vital to our eternal lives – we must know God for ourselves, we must follow the Doctrine of Christ until He manifests Himself unto us in the flesh
·       He loves us and God; he knows we are God’s work and glory, and He is God’s servant
·       So he does God’s work and he rebukes us!

Nephi’s Concluding Testimony

READ 2 Nephi 33:4-5
Is it possible to speak plainly against sin “non-harshly”?
·       No
·       A clear warning against sin and pride is offensive (see 2 Nephi 4:13)
What do you know about yourself if you react angrily against the truth?
·       You have the spirit of the devil in you – you are under the devil’s influence and deceived – you are in darkness (see 3 Nephi 11:29)
How do those who are Christ’s react to the truth (notice I didn’t say the “righteous” or “religious”)?
·       They join Nephi in glorying in plainness, even if it cuts them to the center and requires repentance from them
·       They humbly appreciate the plain direction which allows them to follow the true path

READ 2 Nephi 33:7-12
Having seen our day, who does Nephi have hope for?
·       Only those who are reconciled to Christ
·       Primarily his own people – less so for the Jews or especially the Gentiles (see 3 Nephi 16:10)
But is there hope for us?
·       Yes
·       If we are reconciled to Christ, enter the Gate, walk the Path, endure to the End and come unto Christ in the flesh
Where did Nephi receive the words he has given us?
·       Directly from Christ Himself
·       There is no need to guess – he is very plain – no veiled allusions of things “too scared to share” except what Christ Himself will teach you after you have come unto Him in the flesh – but everything else is testified of and laid out in plainness – especially where he is getting this information from – they are the words of Christ Himself 
How can you KNOW the Book of Mormon is true?
·       Nephi will testify to your face at the judgement bar of Christ
·      If you follow the teachings Nephi has laid out from Christ and they “do what it says on the tin” – in other words, the teachings from the book lead you back into Christ’s presence in the flesh; if they do, you KNOW the book is true!

READ 2 Nephi 33:13-15
What is Nephi inviting us to do when he says “partake of the goodness of God”?
·       To partake of the fruit of the Tree of Life (Christ is the fruit) – likening back to his great vision

Don’t underestimate the power of Nephi’s message and do not be offended by it.  He has sealed it with the power of the High Priesthood After the Order of the Son of God – to our salvation or damnation.


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...