Sunday, March 22, 2020

Blessed Enos (Enos, Jarom, Omni, Words of Mormon) QUESTIONS

Blessed Enos

What is a hermetic text?
What would it mean if the Book of Enos were a hermetic text?
Why might Enos have written his book this way and not in more plainness?
Why are some things “too sacred to share” in plainness?

READ Enos 1:1 and 1 Nephi 1:1
What do we learn about Enos by comparing his verse to Nephi’s?

READ Enos 1:2
What does Enos connote “wrestling” with?
Who is Enos wrestling “before” (“in front of”) and who might he be “wrestling”?
Where else in scripture is “wrestling” mentioned and in what context?
What are the components of Jacob’s “wrestle” in Genesis 32?

READ Enos 1:3-5
This story reads somewhat like an Alma the Younger experience – was Enos a wicked man?
What did Enos’ soul hunger for?
Why did he cry in mighty prayer all day and night?
In the context of verse 21, what is Enos telling us when he says he is going to a solitary setting to “hunt beasts”?
How did Enos “raise his voice” so high that it reached the heavens?
How did Enos know that his voice had reached the heavens?
What is Enos told first and why?
What does it mean that Enos shall be Blessed?

READ D&C 88:75 and Psalms 2:7
How does God seal one up to eternal life?

READ Enos 1:6-8, 19
What does it mean that God cannot lie?
Would the Lord have told Enos how He had done this if Enos had not asked?
What is the answer to why God sealed Enos up to Eternal Life?
Did Enos enter into God’s presence or just hear a voice?
What does it mean that Enos has now been pronounced “whole”?

READ Enos 1:9-10
Enos exercised faith in Christ to receive a hope of salvation – what is the natural result of this experience?
Did Enos not feel a desire for the welfare of his brothers before this experience?
What is Enos doing when he is “pouring out his whole soul unto God for them”?
Did Enos stop petitioning the Lord for his people?
What is implied by the fact that the voice of the Lord came into Enos’ mind?
Does the Lord promise to save Enos’ people?
So, as Enos truly loves his people, what will he do next?

READ Enos 1:11-14
Why is Enos’ faith beginning to be unshaken?
How long of a time period are we looking at here, for Enos to “pray” with “many long struggles”?

READ Enos 1:15-18
Why is Enos “struggling” in prayer over the Lamanites?
What does the fact that Enos “cried unto the Lord continually” about his desire teach us?
What does this process of prayer and labor teach us about charity?
Why does the Lord grant Enos “whatsoever thing ye shall ask in faith”?
What does it tell us about Enos that he spent his “wish” on the Lamanites and not on a quick resurrection or wisdom or spiritual translation or some other gift or blessing like others did?

READ Enos 1:19, 26
Why does Enos go among the people testifying of what he has seen and heard?

READ Enos 1:22-23
Why were their many prophets among them?
Why is there such a contrast between Enos’ message about his own search for God and the message being preached among his contemporaries?

READ Enos 1:27
What is the “rest of the Lord” and how does Enos “know” he will enter into it?

I Know of No Revelation

READ Omni 1:11
Are Abinadom and his people unbelievers?
So, is there an issue with Abinadom and his people?

READ TPJS 365:1 
“Reading the experience of others, or the revelation given to them, can never give us a comprehensive view of our condition and true relation to God. Knowledge of these things can only be obtained by experience through the ordinances of God set forth for that purpose. Could you gaze into heaven five minutes, you would know more than you would by reading all that ever was written on the subject.”
Why is reading the faith-promoting experiences of others not sufficient?
Why would a people say that what they have is sufficient to be saved – that they have a great, basic reservoir of revelation and don’t need any more?

The Sacrifice Required of Us

READ Omni 1:26
What does it mean to come unto Christ?
What happens when we come unto Christ and can it happen in any other way?
How is what Christ is requiring of us described?
What is the sacrifice He requires of us when we come unto Him?
How can we know that the Lord has accepted our sacrifice?
What does it mean “as the Lord liveth ye will be saved”?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...