Sunday, February 23, 2020

Nephi’s Warning to the Gentiles (2 Nephi 26-30) QUESTIONS

Destruction of the Nephites

READ 2 Nephi 26:10-11
What caused the quick destruction of the Nephites as a civilization?
What is implied by the statement “the Spirit… will not always strive with man”?

READ 2 Nephi 26:12-13
What does manifest mean?
Who does Christ manifest Himself unto?
How does He manifest Himself unto them?

Warnings to the Gentiles in the Last Days

READ 2 Nephi 26:14, 20-22 
Who does Nephi direct these prophesies to?
Why have the Gentiles stumbled?
What are the objectives for which the Gentiles have built up churches in the last days and what are the results?
Why does the devil use a flaxen cord and how are these churches part of that strategy?

2 Nephi 26:23-28, 33
What is intended to draw all men unto Christ?
How can Christ love the world, as evil as it is?
Who has Christ invited to come unto Him and who has He forbidden?
Describe how Satan works vs. how Christ works?

READ 2 Nephi 26:29-31
What is priestcraft?
How does one preach so that it is not priestcraft?
What does the Lord equate Priestcraft with?

READ 2 Nephi 27:1-5
Which nations will be “drunken with iniquity” and “abomination” in the last days?
What will the Lord do to all those nations?

READ 2 Nephi 27:6-11, 21-22
What is the book that the Lord God will bring forth?
How is the Book of Mormon a “sealed” book?

READ 2 Nephi 27:23
How does He show the world that He is the same yesterday, today and forever?

READ 2 Nephi 27:24-30, 35
Who is the Lord’s mouthpiece in these verses and who is the audience?
What does the fact that their “fear” (“holy awe or reverence”) of God is taught them by the precepts of men mean – is this a bad thing?
What is the “marvelous work and a wonder” that the Lord will work among these Saints who profess Him but do not know Him?

READ 2 Nephi 28:1-2
How did Nephi know that the words he has told us will “surely come to pass”?
Who will benefit the most from the “marvelous work and a wonder” or revelations and covenants found within the Book of Mormon?

READ 2 Nephi 28:3
In the day that the Book of Mormon becomes of “great worth” to the Remnant of Lehi, there will be many churches built up who will all claim to be the Lord’s but will not be “built up” unto Him - what does it mean for a church to be built up “unto the Lord”?
What would a church built up unto the Lord teach its members with regards to how to develop saving faith?
What would a church built up unto the Lord teach its members about knowledge and how to gain it?

READ 2 Nephi 15:13 and TPJS 246:1
Why is knowledge of Christ the ultimate goal of a Church built up unto the Lord?

READ 2 Nephi 28:4-6
What are the churches contending about?
How can we tell that none of these churches are true or Christ’s?
How can churches professing to be Christ’s teach that there is no God today?
How can churches professing to be Christ’s deny the power of God and teach that there are no miracles today?

READ 2 Nephi 28:7-9
What is the problem with preaching a gospel of repentance in a culture of feeling good about oneself?
What is the problem with preaching a gospel of repentance if you want to remain popular with your church membership?
What does it mean that a doctrine is false, vain and foolish?
How might these false, vain and foolish doctrines result in a proud church following?
Why are the works of these churches done in the dark?

READ 2 Nephi 28:10-13
Why might the blood of the Saints cry from the ground against them?
What does Nephi mean when he says that “all” churches have gone out of the way and are corrupted?
How can you recognize the true Way?
What pride can religion impose people upon people who believe false traditions?
What kind of teaching would cause a listener to become contrite, humble, meek, repentant and submissive to God?
Why does Nephi equate “fine sanctuaries” with “robbing the poor”?

READ 2 Nephi 28:14
Why do the few humble followers of Christ also err?

READ 2 Nephi 28:15
What does a “three-fold wo” mean?
Who is being condemned into the eternities by God and Nephi?

READ 2 Nephi 28:16-20
What does it mean to “turn aside the just for a thing of naught, and revile against that which is good, and say that it is of no worth”?
Why would the Lord allow His true messengers and their messages to be reviled?
What does it mean to be “fully ripe in iniquity”?
Will the Lord accept repentance and stay His hand from those who turn to Him in the last minute of the 11th hour?
Why must the abominable church fall to the earth?
What will the devil do at the time that the abominable church falls to the earth?

READ 2 Nephi 28:21, 24-25
Who claims to be Zion in the last days?
What does it mean to be pacified and lulled?
What is carnal security?
Why would people who are lulled with carnal security think they qualify as “Zion”?
What does “all is well in Zion” mean?
What does “Zion prospereth” mean?
Why would it cheat souls to think that all is well in Zion and that it prospers?
How would the Lord use the phrase “well off”?

READ 2 Nephi 28:22-23
How does Satan flatter people away by telling them there is no hell and that he was no devil?
What kind of message does Satan appearing as an angel of light bring to people?
How close must Satan be to his target to “whisper in their ears”?
Once you have forfeited the option of repentance through your anger, what is your state?
Why does God cast children that He loves into an endless torment in a lake of fire and brimstone?

READ 2 Nephi 28:26-28
Who is Nephi now addressing in verse 26?
What does hearkening to the precepts of men require?
Why do people get angry when they are told they are out of the way and need to repent?
Why do people “built upon the rock” receive this same offensive message with gladness?

READ 2 Nephi 28:29-30
Why would Nephi, in a part of his discourse that is directed squarely on the Latter-day Saints, repeat the warning to be open to new words from God – new scriptures and revelations?
What are our “rules” with regards to continuing revelation in the Church today?
What is the Lord’s promise to those who say, “we have enough” and why?

READ 2 Nephi 28:31
What do the phrases “trust in man” and “maketh flesh his arm” mean and what happens if you do these things?

READ 2 Nephi 28:32
Does it say the Gentiles WILL deny Christ or MAY deny Christ?
What must we do to avoid the condemnation and cursing that Nephi says is our lot?
Why are Nephi’s words to us so blunt?
How would you summarize Christ’s words to the latter-day Gentile Church that claims to be Zion?

READ 2 Nephi 29:1-2
What does it mean about the Book of Mormon when the Lord says “the words of your seed should proceed forth out of MY mouth unto your seed”?

READ 2 Nephi 29:3, 6, 8
Which book is preeminent – the Bible or the Book of Mormon?
Does the Lord have still more to say or have we now received all of His words?

READ 2 Nephi 29:9-11
Why does the Lord want us to trust in this idea that He is the same yesterday, today and forever?
What is the implication of Christ’s statement that He “speaks forth (His) words according to (His) own pleasure”?
How many books of scripture have been written and could be revealed according to the good pleasure of the Lord?

READ 2 Nephi 30:1-3
What should be troubling to us about Nephi’s statement that the Nephites are not “more righteous than the Gentiles shall be”?
What should be troubling to us about the fact that Nephi warned his people not to be like us or they would perish as we will?
What is the difference between the “House of Israel” and the “covenant people of the Lord”?
What will the Lord do for the House of Israel?
What will the Lord do for the Gentiles?

Finding the Remnant of Lehi

READ 2 Nephi 30:4-6
What does it mean that the Remnant shall be restored unto the knowledge of their fathers?
What are “scales of darkness” and why do they only “begin” to fall from the Remnant’s eyes?

The End and the Millennium

READ 2 Nephi 30:9-10
When His breath brought life to Adam and the Spirit to His apostles, what does it mean that with the “breath of His lips shall He slay the wicked”? (see also Genesis 2:7 and John 20:22)
Can and will the Lord protect His people selectively, even by fire?

READ 2 Nephi 30:15
Why does the Lord call the earth His “Holy Mountain”?
What consolation can we find in the fact that the social statistic surveys the Church conducts show Latter-day Saints are around 7 years behind the larger population?

READ 2 Nephi 30:16-18
Why is Satan cast out?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...