Why are the Isaiah chapters transcribed by Nephi differently (to some degree) from what we find in the Old Testament?
READ 2 Nephi 11:2-6
Why is Nephi using Isaiah to prove to us that his (Nephi’s) words are true?
Nephi’s Testimony of Christ
READ 2 Nephi 17:14-15
What is Nephi testifying of by using this quote from Isaiah?
How were Isaiah and Nephi able to see the specifics of Christ’s birth and life hundreds of years before they actually happened in mortality?
READ 2 Nephi 18:13-16 and 2 Nephi 25:12
Why was Christ rejected as a stumbling block?
Why did Christ come as a “rock of offense”?
READ 2 Nephi 21:1-5
What is Nephi testifying of here, with regards to Christ’s mortal ministry?
READ 2 Nephi 19:6-7
What is Nephi testifying of by quoting these verses from Isaiah?
READ 2 Nephi 21:9-10
Why is Christ’s “rest” glorious?
READ 2 Nephi 22:2-6
What is Nephi’s testimony of Christ’s greatness, through Isaiah?
READ 2 Nephi 25:13
How does Nephi know about Christ’s merits?
Latter-day Zion
READ 2 Nephi 12:2-3
Where will the latter day Zion actually be established?
READ 2 Nephi 12:5-11
What is Nephi telling us that he saw among those who call themselves “Zion” in the Last Days (the “House of Jacob” or “Israel”)?
The Scattering and Gathering of Israel
READ 2 Nephi 15:1-7
What does this “song” remind you of?
In Zenos’ allegory, what does the Lord of the Vineyard do to preserve the natural fruit?
Where are the natural branches scattered to?
In the Isaiah version, what state has the Lord found His vineyard in?
Given Nephi’s use of Isaiah as a way to describe what he cannot plainly tell us, what is this apostasy that he is seeing?
The Lord fenced it, removed stones, built a watch tower, and a winepress; what more could the Lord have done for His vineyard to have enabled it to produce good fruit?
Recovering the Remnant of Israel: Grafting the “Natural Branches”
READ 2 Nephi 21:11-12
Who are the “remnant of His people which shall be left?”
What does it mean for the Lord to “set His hand” to recover them?
READ 2 Nephi 22:1-3
How will the Remnant react to the Lord’s “recovering” of them?
READ 2 Nephi 22:4-6
What is the recovered Remnant’s “new song” and how do they sing it?
READ 2 Nephi 24:1
What is the difference between “Jacob” who will receive mercy and “Israel” who is chosen?
Who are the “strangers” who will be joined with them?
The Last Days
READ 2 Nephi 24:21-27
How will the Lord destroy the wicked?
The Millennium
READ 2 Nephi 24:3-9
What traits that enable success in our culture and day will be offensive in the Millennial Zion?
READ 2 Nephi 24:10-19
Who is being referred to here?
How do the aspirations and deeds of Satan and his earthly followers mirror the ones we just discussed as being offensive in Zion?
In the Millennium, what will people think of those who ascended “on high” or aspired so to do?
The Gospel Covenant & the Law of Moses
READ 2 Nephi 25:23
On which word should the emphasis be placed in this verse? Grace? Saved? After? All? We? Can? Do?
READ 2 Nephi 25:24-26
What is the relationship between the Law of Moses and the Gospel Covenant?
What does it mean to be “alive” in Christ?