The Land of Inheritance:
READ 2 Nephi 1:5-7, 10, 20
Who did the Lord covenant the land of America to as their promised land of inheritance forever?
What are the conditions inherent with living freely in America?
Awake and Arise
READ 2 Nephi 1:13-15, 21-23
What must we awake from?
What must we awake to?
What does it mean to arise?
Redemption Through Christ
READ 2 Nephi 2:2
What does consecrate mean?
What does it mean for afflictions to be made sacred and how does this benefit us?
READ 2 Nephi 2:3-4
Why is Jacob redeemed?
How does Lehi KNOW that Jacob is redeemed?
How can this happen to someone in their youth?
What is the relationship between Jacob being ministered to by Christ in the flesh and the “way of salvation”?
What does it mean that Jacob beheld Christ in the same way as those who witnessed His mortal ministry because the Spirit is the same yesterday, today and forever?
How is salvation free?
The Law and the Mediator
READ 2 Nephi 2:5-10
How are men instructed sufficiently that they know good from evil?
What Law is given unto men?
What does it mean to be justified?
How are men cut off from that which is good by the Law – both the temporal and spiritual law?
Why was Christ able to enact the Atonement and what does this imply?
Why does the Law require the sacrifice of one who is full of grace and truth?
Why are the ends of the Law answered only for those who have a broken heart and contrite spirit?
Can those who are obedient to the commandments and participate in the ordinances be saved even if they do not have a broken heart?
Why does Lehi connect resurrection to redemption?
Can “flesh” dwell in the presence of God without being utterly wasted?
What does it mean to rely only on the merits of Christ and the mercy of Christ and the grace of Christ – why are all three needed?
What does “first fruits unto God” mean and why is it Christ?
What can you say about the blessings and punishment associated with the Law?
Who gave us the Law and what does that mean?
Opposition and Agency
READ 2 Nephi 2:11-16
What is opposition?
Why must there be an opposition in all things?
Is all opposition evil?
What would happen without opposition and agency?
Why would there have been no purpose in the creation of a world without opposition?
Why would there have been no purpose in the creation of an entity that could not act?
Why would there be no sin without Law?
If there would be no sin if there was no Law, then why can’t we just get rid of the Law?
Why would there be no righteousness without sin?
Why would there be no happiness without righteousness?
Why would there be no God if there was not righteousness, happiness, punishment and misery?
Are we things to act or be acted upon?
What does the fact that there is a God mean for the “if, then” statements in verse 13?
Since the fact that the existence of God is the lynchpin of Lehi’s logical argument, how does he know that God really exists?
Was the Forbidden Fruit evil?
How did God “give unto man that he should act for himself”?
The Fall of Man and the Telestial Earthly Probation
READ 2 Nephi 2:17-18
What does it mean that Satan was an “angel of God”?
What are the implications of Satan’s fall?
What did Satan seek that was “evil before God”?
What is a defining attribute of a god?
How does one know good from evil?
READ Moses 4:28
What is the devil’s lie?
What is Satan’s objective on Earth?
READ 2 Nephi 2:19-23
Why were Adam and Eve driven out of the Garden?
Did Adam and Eve fulfill the measure of their creation in the Telestial kingdom?
Did Adam in fact die when he partook of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?
What is the purpose of mortality?
How was mankind all lost through the transgression of Adam?
What does a knowledge of good and evil enable?
What is the connection between having children and knowing joy, misery, and doing good – and being “as the Gods”?
Does death require a transgression against God to have taken place so that man must fall?
What would have happened if Adam and Eve had never partaken of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge?
Would this have fulfilled the purposes of a mortal probation for man?
Did they have to transgress to partake of the fruit of the Tree?
Would they have fallen if they had partaken of the fruit of the Tree in season, at the command of God?
Should we curse Adam and Eve for landing us in this predicament?
Agency and the Two Ways
READ 2 Nephi 2:24-29
What “things” does God “know”?
What is the connection between Adam’s fall to a Telestial Kingdom and God’s objective for man, that they might have joy?
Why, 600 years before Christ’s mortal ministry, does Lehi say “they are redeemed” instead of they “will be redeemed”?
Why does Lehi equate being free through the redemption, knowing good from evil, and being able to act for yourself?
In verse 27 Lehi continues his original topic about the Messiah from verse 10; why did he just spend the last 16 verses talking about opposition, agency, and the fall of man?
What does it mean that mankind has “all things…given them which are expedient” when so many people don’t have enough food to eat on a daily basis?
Is Lehi asking a trick question? Would you rather have liberty and eternal life or captivity and death?
What is a mediator?
Who are the parties that are now at variance and why?
Why is the devil miserable?
How can we choose liberty and eternal life?
What does the “flesh” desire?