Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Lord’s Wilderness (1 Nephi 16-22): QUESTIONS

The Truth

READ 1 Nephi 16:1-4 and 1 Nephi 17:45
Are “hard things” difficult to understand or difficult to bear, for the wicked?
What does the fact that the wicked are cut to their center by the truth tell us about wickedness and truth?
What does “feeling” God’s words imply about how He speaks to us?
What does it mean to be “slow to remember the Lord”?
What is the secret to understanding “hard things”?

The Lord’s Wilderness: Leaving the World Behind

READ 1 Nephi 16:9
Why does the Lord send people into the wilderness?
Why must the Lord send people into the wilderness to prepare them to be with Him?
What happened to Lehi and Nephi before this “wilderness school” could take place?

READ 1 Nephi 16:11-12 and 1 Nephi 17:21
What did Lehi’s family take into their wilderness school and what was left behind?

READ 1 Nephi 16:34-36
What happens if one starts on a “wilderness experience” but turns back?

The Lord’s Wilderness: Separation from Worldly People

READ 1 Nephi 17:22
Who must be left behind when one enters the “Lord’s Wilderness”?
If these people are not left behind, how might they hinder the Wilderness Traveler?
What does this imply about a wilderness school?

The Lord’s Wilderness: Traveling Only As the Lord Directs

READ 1 Nephi 16:10, 30, and 1 Nephi 17:13
Who directs travel in the Lord’s Wilderness?
Why does the Lord require strict obedience in this journey?

The Lord’s Wilderness: Affliction and Trial

READ 1 Nephi 16:14-22 and 1 Nephi 17:1, 8-10, 17-19
Why does the Lord try His people during their Wilderness experience?
What is the choice you are faced with when experiencing “wilderness trials”?

READ 1 Nephi 16:23-25, 31-32 and 1 Nephi 17:48-52
Why does God require us to exercise faith in the face of trials, even thought He could easily overcome them Himself on our behalf?

READ 1 Nephi 17:35
What does it mean to “esteem” all flesh as one but “favor” the righteous?

The Lord’s Wilderness: Discovering Our Weakness

READ 1 Nephi 17:38-42
Why did the children of Israel harden their hearts in the face of a life-threatening trial?
What can the “Wilderness School” reveal to each of us?
How do we overcome the natural man and these personal tendencies to sin?

READ 1 Nephi 17:2-3, 12-13
What happens when the wilderness traveler does their best to be obedient to the commandments of the Lord and exercises faith in the face of affliction?

The Lord’s Wilderness: Lord Takes Care of Daily Needs

When traveling the “Lord’s Wilderness,” when does He usually provide for our needs?

The Lord’s Wilderness: A Means of Daily Revelation Is Given

READ 1 Nephi 16:10, 26-29
Why did the Lord give Lehi the Liahona?

READ 1 Nephi 18:9, 12-15, 21-22
What happens if the Lord’s revelation is not followed?

READ 1 Nephi 5:20-22
How are the scriptures a tool or “means” through which to receive daily revelation?
What must we do to allow the Lord to “open the scriptures” to us?

The Lord’s Wilderness: Land of Bountiful

READ 1 Nephi 17:5-6
Why did the Lord give Lehi’s family a “Land of Bountiful” between their desert wilderness journey and their ocean wilderness journey?

READ 1 Nephi 17:7, 47-48, 53-54 and 1 Nephi 18:3-5
How does the Lord sustain the Wilderness traveler?

The Lord’s Wilderness: Facing the Imminent Failure of Faith

READ 1 Nephi 18:15-16, 20-24 (see also 1 Nephi 18:9-14)
What was this trial to Nephi?
Must every Wilderness traveler face a trial of imminent destruction?
Was this hurricane trial for Nephi or for Laman and what constitutes passing it?

The Lord’s Wilderness: Entering into the Highest Blessings

Who led the family to the Promised Land?
What does landing on and entering the Promised Land represent?

The Arm of the Lord: Nephi Uses Isaiah

What is Nephi trying to teach us by presenting this material the way he does?

READ 1 Nephi 19:7-17
Why do people value the same information so differently?
Why does Christ suffer all of these shameful abuses at the hands of men?
Why do so many prophets testify of Christ’s death and resurrection?

READ 1 Nephi 19:18-24
Why is Nephi telling us these things?
Why do prophets use the scriptures instead of adopting an “I am scripture” attitude?
Why does Nephi quote Isaiah so much?
Why is Nephi prohibited from plainly sharing all he knows?

Read the following two Isaiah chapters with the mindset that Nephi is using what Isaiah wrote of the vision of the Last Days, which they both saw, to describe his vision to us – and make no mistake, it is a warning!

READ 1 Nephi 20:1-2
Who is being addressed here by God?

READ 1 Nephi 20:4
What does it mean that one’s neck is an “iron sinew”?
What does it mean that one’s brow is “brass”?

READ 1 Nephi 20:8
Why do we not hear God?
What does it mean that we are “treacherous” and “transgressors from the womb”?

READ 1 Nephi 20:9-11
So why is God willing to defer His justified anger and continue to work with us to refine us?

READ 1 Nephi 20:14, 18-21
What is Nephi trying to tell us about his Last Days vision by quoting these verses?

READ 1 Nephi 21:8-11
What does “in an acceptable time” imply about those living on the “isles of the sea”?
What does the command to those who sit in darkness to “show themselves” sound like?
What does it mean to have their “pastures” elevated to the “high places”?
What is “the Way”?

READ 1 Nephi 21:14-16
Since 1833 and the expulsion from “Zion” in Jackson County, it seems like the Lord has forgotten Zion, but is this true?
Who has forgotten the Remnant of the House of Israel?

READ 1 Nephi 21:22-26
What does it mean that the Gentile “kings” will be the Remnant’s “nursing fathers”?
What does it mean that the “prey of the terrible shall be delivered”?

READ 1 Nephi 22:2
How are prophetic writings understood?

READ 1 Nephi 22:3-5
What became of the House of Israel after Christ’s mortal ministry and why?

READ 1 Nephi 22:6-10
Who will scatter the Remnant?
What is the marvelous work that the Lord will perform among the Gentiles?
Why is the “marvelous work” of “great worth” to the Remnant but only of “worth” to the Gentiles?

READ 1 Nephi 22:11-12
What does it mean for God to “make bare His arm”?
What is the relationship between the “marvelous work” and the Lord making “bare His arm”?
How are a people (the Remnant) brought out of obscurity and darkness?

READ 1 Nephi 22:13-19
What is the relationship between the Lord making “bare His arm” and the destruction of Babylon?
How does the Lord use fire or “glory”?
Why are the wicked destroyed but the righteous are saved by the same fire/glory?
Where does the Lord first “pour out” His “wrath”?

READ 1 Nephi 22:20-28
What kinds of objectives do the churches of the devil have?
Can Churches do a lot of good with political, economic and public relations power?
Does gaining political, economic and public relations power at the expense of the truth benefit Zion?
How can you identify Christ’s true sheep?
How can we avoid being consumed as stubble?


Due to some recent work and life changes, I'm taking a hiatus from the weekly blog.  I will leave the blog up for anyone who would like ...