The Fate of the Children of Lehi
READ 1 Nephi 12:5-6
What is Nephi being shown?
READ 1 Nephi 12:10
What is the difference between “keeping the commandments” and being “righteous forever” because of faith in Christ, such that one’s garments are made “white in His blood”?
What does it mean to be “righteous forever” before one’s mortality (the twelve apostles being called out here would not be born for another 600 years)?
How can someone be exalted before they are born?
READ 1 Nephi 12:22
What does it mean to “dwindle in unbelief”?
History of America and the Coming Forth of the Bible & Abominable Church
READ 1 Nephi 13:1-3
What are the “nations and kingdoms of the Gentiles”?
READ 1 Nephi 13:4-9
What is an “abominable” church?
Where and when is the abominable church first established?
What motivates those who lead the abominable church?
Why do they destroy and take captive the saints of God?
READ 1 Nephi 13:10-19
Why did Columbus sail to America?
Why did the Puritans leave the “captivity” of England to risk colonizing America?
How did the American Revolutionaries win their independence?
READ 3 Nephi 21:2-5
Why were the Gentiles “inspired by God” to come to America and enabled to win their independence?
READ 1 Nephi 13:20-29
What was the book (Bible) like when the “Jews” first wrote it?
What plain and precious things and covenants were taken away from the Bible?
Why does the abominable church take away the plain and precious things?
How does the abominable church take away the plain and precious things and covenants?
What is the result of taking away plain and precious things from the Bible?
How does the absence of the plain and precious things from the Bible cause people to stumble?
What does it mean when the gospel is described as “plain”?
READ 1 Nephi 13:32, 34-37
What does “much of my gospel” mean?
Why does it say “seek” to bring forth Zion at that day (when the Book of Mormon comes forth)?
How does the phrase “bringing forth Zion” differ from “establish” or “create” Zion?
Who is promised that they will be lifted up at the last day if they endure?
READ 1 Nephi 13:39-42
To what does “other books” refer?
What is the purpose of the “other books”?
Two Churches Only
READ 1 Nephi 14:1-2, 5-7
Who are the “Gentiles” in the Book of Mormon?
What is the promise to the Gentiles in the Last Days?
Does the Lord promise to manifest Himself unto the Gentiles?
What does it mean to be delivered to the hardness of one’s own heart and blindness of one’s own mind unto captivity and destruction?
READ 1 Nephi 14:8-17
To what does the “covenants of the Father unto the House of Israel” refer? (see also v17)
What is the connection between the covenants and the “two churches”?
What is the Church of the Lamb and how does one become a “member”?
Why is the church of the devil the “mother of abominations” and “whore of all the earth”?
Where are the few members of the Church of the Lamb located and why are their dominions small - what does that mean?
How are the members of the Church of the Lamb armed?
READ 1 Nephi 14:18-27
Why is Nephi shown a vision of “all things” but is forbidden to write them?
Why were others also shown the vision and told to write it so that their accounts might come forth after the Book of Mormon was published?